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WiLDCHiLD vs Slinky @Heaven, London (Bank Holiday Sunday 30th May 2004)


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QUOTE (Bushy @ Jun 1 2004, 18:15)
Awesome night all round!

I dont think i spent much time dancing, as i was sat down with James or Maria most of the night!

Ians set was wicked, especially when he dropped motorcycle and James and i decided to do the waltz of some sort.

Alison played a good one from what i remember.

Set of the night in the hard arena for me was Little Gem, was very impressed, and hadnt heard her before.

Ilogik needed shooting.

Ali Wilson was awesome also.

Glazby was average, which was a shame, i didnt know he was on, and it was a let down when he didnt impress me. sad.gif

All in all a top night had.

yeah i thought LittleGem was wicked too yay.gif


Was wicked to meet all the people I hadn't before: James, Ginge, Nurse Nancy, Kether, Lisa, Dooby, tony p etc


And everyone i have met beofre, was ace to see you again: Bushy,

Shane, maria, Mr Moo, Rachel, laurence, tidy tart, saffy sue, dawn, clubbing si, ian cashman, callum etc


And anyone i missed too, i was bit battered and my memory has a few holes in it huggles.gifsmile.gif


bring on Tidy! thumbsup.gif

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QUOTE (Ginge @ Jun 1 2004, 19:23)
From what I remember (and believe me, its not much) I had a brilliant night, just had difficulty speaking. I probably came across a bit antisocial. sorry.gif 


Aww no, why was that Ginge ohmy.gif



QUOTE (Ginge @ Jun 1 2004, 19:23)
Was good seeing everyone again and meeting a few new people (you knwo who you are)


hahaha do you though grin.gif



QUOTE (Ginge @ Jun 1 2004, 19:23)

Dawn...hows the voice? Got it back yet? flowers.gif 


Gone completely by this morning ... starting to come back nicely now though thanx.gif





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QUOTE (Dawn @ Jun 1 2004, 19:51)
QUOTE (Ginge @ Jun 1 2004, 19:23)
Was good seeing everyone again and meeting a few new people (you knwo who you are)


hahaha do you though grin.gif

Urm...I'm not sure to be honest. I remember Nic, Donna, Eddie, Squeak, Enza, Teabag, BeBe, and....urm.....I "THINK" thats it....from here anyway. scratchy.gifuhm.gifblushing.gif

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Had a wicked night chris and i...nice meeting you ian, what a great set you played..first time i heard you...the venue i love but overall the tunes could of been alot harder in the main room..but we cant win it all

see you all again soon...

lynn and chris


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QUOTE (snowqueen @ Jun 2 2004, 07:44)
overall the tunes could of been alot harder in the main room..

Hi lynn, was good seeing you & chris again. I think IMO the rooms, didnt appear to get harder, because it started fairly hard anyway, LML, boshed some well hard tunes out & I think also, Caroline's set, was breaks or something, very dark & it for me spoiled the atmosphere in the room, which in turn left not alot for Glazby!! shrug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Was a wicked night.


TOP COMPANY. You know who you are my dear friends smile.gif


The right crowd came out at Wildchild and I loved every minute of it.


Glazbys set was the shittest I have ever heard him play - I still love him though shag.gif


Ilogic were peropa messing it up too ! Shocking !


Lisa - You do look like 'that' - hahah how fucking funny - ily.gifily.gif


Tony.P - you played a good set ! I just love that tune with Jacko and daft puck ! I also love the funny faces you pull - lets hope the wind don't change eh !! tongue.gif


BAZZ - I didn't geta tooth brush off you sad.gif QUALITY seeing you again matey ! I will be over for some spagnatelli very soon ! tongue.gifthrob.gif


Bushy - ew fhucking KNOWS IT - hoover tastic wink.giflove.gif Can't wait to see your pics - im sure I flashed my titties ? I think the bar man approved ! haha !


Shaney - you sweaty fucking MING ! tongue.gif


Donna - glad you came to wildchild biatch - glad you got home safe too tongue.gif But who the FECK were those 2 MUSCLE fuckers ?!?!?! haha !


Dawn - 007 in force wink.gif mwa xx


Scream and Nic - nice to see you guys again ! Hope your ok now Nic wink.gifhuggles.gif


Ginge - hope alls well in the world of "Nothing exsists around me but me" tongue.gif


Tidy Tart - was lovely to se eyou again ! Nice to meet your brother too ! tongue.gif


Ian - wicked set mate ! Loved it ! and loved seeing you again !


Rick and Debs - sorry we didn't get to chat much - but was wicked to see you both as always !


Tasha - nice to see you too - hope he had a big one lmao


MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - god iv missed you dude ! So glad you made it to WC - see you soon wink.gif x


DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBY - I didn't see you leave sad.gif never mind - it was ace to see the lovely you again ! Hoe to see you soon ma frend ! x


Who else have a I missed out ? I can't remember - but if I have missed anyone out - Don't take it personally, It was good to see you ALL.


It was a fanfeckingtastic night out - I had so much fun words can't describe it ! Wish I had a wander in Green park now with Bushy and Co ! Sounds like an experience to remember eh !







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hi everyone!


i had a wicked night it was so good to finally get to a good trance night and enjoymyself!


sorry i didnt get to talk to many of you peeps but for the majority of the night i was pissesd as a fart! i am sure ian and tara will tell you i was finding it hard to walk in a straight line! unsure.gif


any way was good to meet all of you again! will look forward to seeing you all soon!


take care




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Guest nursenancy

QUOTE (Maria @ Jun 2 2004, 10:20)

Was a wicked night.

TOP COMPANY. You know who you are my dear friends smile.gif

The right crowd came out at Wildchild and I loved every minute of it.

Glazbys set was the shittest I have ever heard him play - I still love him though shag.gif

Ilogic were peropa messing it up too ! Shocking !

Lisa - You do look like 'that' - hahah how fucking funny - ily.gifily.gif

Tony.P - you played a good set ! I just love that tune with Jacko and daft puck ! I also love the funny faces you pull - lets hope the wind don't change eh !! tongue.gif

BAZZ - I didn't geta tooth brush off you sad.gif QUALITY seeing you again matey ! I will be over for some spagnatelli very soon ! tongue.gifthrob.gif

Bushy - ew fhucking KNOWS IT - hoover tastic wink.giflove.gif Can't wait to see your pics - im sure I flashed my titties ? I think the bar man approved ! haha !

Shaney - you sweaty fucking MING ! tongue.gif

Donna - glad you came to wildchild biatch - glad you got home safe too tongue.gif But who the FECK were those 2 MUSCLE fuckers ?!?!?! haha !

Dawn - 007 in force wink.gif mwa xx

Scream and Nic - nice to see you guys again ! Hope your ok now Nic wink.gifhuggles.gif

Ginge - hope alls well in the world of "Nothing exsists around me but me" tongue.gif

Tidy Tart - was lovely to se eyou again ! Nice to meet your brother too ! tongue.gif

Ian - wicked set mate ! Loved it ! and loved seeing you again !

Rick and Debs - sorry we didn't get to chat much - but was wicked to see you both as always !

Tasha - nice to see you too - hope he had a big one lmao

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - god iv missed you dude ! So glad you made it to WC - see you soon wink.gif x

DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBY - I didn't see you leave sad.gif never mind - it was ace to see the lovely you again ! Hoe to see you soon ma frend ! x

Who else have a I missed out ? I can't remember - but if I have missed anyone out - Don't take it personally, It was good to see you ALL.

It was a fanfeckingtastic night out - I had so much fun words can't describe it ! Wish I had a wander in Green park now with Bushy and Co ! Sounds like an experience to remember eh !




omg!!! lmao........muscle to fuck steriod heads


from russia they said begged and begged and begged for it


so i had to oblige


how the fuck do u know about them???

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How could I miss your name off the list !


Was good to see you too you kent !


Thanks for entwining your lolly pop in my hair though - you dirty bastid.


Did you have a good night ?


I f*cking did !



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QUOTE (nursenancy @ Jun 2 2004, 17:31)
omg!!! lmao........muscle to fuck steriod heads

from russia they said begged and begged and begged for it

so i had to oblige

how the fuck do u know about them???

Tell me about it, i know nothing about it!


What did you oblige to?

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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Guest nursenancy

QUOTE (RickD @ Jun 2 2004, 18:19)
Maria - that's because you were bolloxed, but not as bolloxed as Donna... lol.gif

oh my god rick, it was so good 2 c u again huggles.gif


u aint fookin jokin is u, i was like zombie dawn of the mother fuckin dead,


i dont know wat happened, i think it may have something to do with alcohol as i never usually drink


no matter wat i did i just couldnt get it together


i remember u calling me over in the cafe from the other side of the room, holding ur arm out and me thinking, fuck hes miles away ill never get over there, but it was nice to chill with u later wub.gif

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to WiLDCHiLD vs Slinky @Heaven, London (Bank Holiday Sunday 30th May 2004)

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