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watch out for them lot, they are a bit wierd

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touchy r we coz u got dumped? shouldn't go around threatening girls then should u.


anyway, that was 7 months ago. GET OVER IT.


hello everyone. anyone going to innovation / formation at the sanctury 11 October? line up looks good.

there's a bmx & skating show on, which will be good when ur off ur pickle!


anybody at sundissential on sat? my mates 21st so we plan to have a good'en!! icon_yippee.gif

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danielle said:

touchy r we coz u got dumped? shouldn't go around threatening girls then should u.


anyway, that was 7 months ago. GET OVER IT.


hello everyone. anyone going to innovation / formation at the sanctury 11 October? line up looks good.

there's a bmx & skating show on, which will be good when ur off ur pickle!


anybody at sundissential on sat? my mates 21st so we plan to have a good'en!! icon_yippee.gif


no danielle i am not touchy dont like idiots that are self centered and stuck up and when they dont get their way throw a fit like the little kids they are!!! and by the way i have told my mates on here what you are like!!! you should stay in your little village and be the inbred you are as you will always be!!!! oh and lots of my mates are going then so i'll get them to look out for you!!! ouch.gif

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I callums m8.

u got banned b4.....ickle_plantpot.



WHY R U BACK?? winge.gif

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danielle said:

touchy r we coz u got dumped? shouldn't go around threatening girls then should u.


anyway, that was 7 months ago. GET OVER IT.


hello everyone. anyone going to innovation / formation at the sanctury 11 October? line up looks good.

there's a bmx & skating show on, which will be good when ur off ur pickle!


anybody at sundissential on sat? my mates 21st so we plan to have a good'en!! icon_yippee.gif


oh and the reason y we finished was coz

1: i didnt like hearing about people from your village

2: you wanted to be friends with that minging ugly **** and i didnt like it when you lied to me about talking to her when you told me you had told her to get lost.

3:i had enough of your lies so before you start throwing comments make sure you have got them rite!!!

4:i met nikki and she was worth a million of you shes



:can dance

:hasnt got a fat arse

:and my friends like her and dont think shes a jumped up litlle girl!!!


oh please get over yourself i didnt threatern to beat u up at all when we were seeing each, maybe once i would have done anything for you i was prepared to quit my job the lot,but anyone that is so self centered to tell me to ring them anytime i have a problem and i ring when i'm with my dying grandad and i'm in tears and tells me to get a life is not worth it you only know one person on here so why dont you just crawl back to your little hole and die!!! and stay away from me and my friends you little wanna b!!!! flipa.gif


(i'm sorry to do this on ctw but it had to be told to anyone else before they meet this really "nice" girl) luck.gif

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FEEL THE LOVE!!! heartbeat.gifheartbeat.gifheartbeat.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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i haven't come on here to talk to u callum, so [censored] off.

banned? thats the first i knew of it. i've never had any trouble getting on here.


as if i would tell someone to [censored] off when their grandad's dying.


so what if i come from a village? does anyone care apart from u? i quite like it actually.


so is anyone up to anything good at the weekend?


i reversed my car in to my mum's car last night. not good, she's got a nice dent in the back of her brand new car, ooppss! paranoid.gif

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