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selling email addresses

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does/has ctw sell user's e-mail addresses, or add them to related clubbing-type mailing lists?


at the mo i keep getting stuff for riot vs x-static, but i don't live anywhere near london. erm, useful. i'm only asking here to try and find out which board it is that's nabbed my address, i'm registered on a few boards so it's gonna take a while to find out....


just an honest rolleyes.gif question...

from an honest wink.gif ctw'er

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I get Frantic stuff thru!

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I know that feeling really well - i seem to get loads for x-static, frantic and other such things too (mostly hard house nights in leeds though). It's really annoying to be honest, and as this is the only clubbing website i'm on, it's either the site itself or one/ a few of the members that have added my address to these mail out.

I wouldn't mind so much if it was mailing lists for D&B or funky house nights .....

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I wouldn't mind so much if it was mailing lists for D&B or funky house nights .....


agreed! if it was closely related to a night i want to go to, and actually anywhere north of BRUM then i wouldn't mind as much. but it's a bit cheeky sending out to everyone, means the onus is now on *me* to unsubscribe when I didn't even give my consent to be added to any mailing list in the first place


and oh yeah mr moo i'm getting nukleuz stuff through i think as well. got some sundissential stuff once (and no it wasn't a forward)

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I get loadsa stuff thru but i dont mind cos i know i have signed up for a few of them but i also know some i havent but again it doesnt bother me too much i mean all u have to do is click a button and its deleted!! shrug.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Daaaaaaaa, u so good Claire DC , u should have been a teacher, really , u also can ban the e-mail address or delete ur self from the e-mail list, ffs its not that hard its only a e-mail....

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  • CTW Admin
does/has ctw sell user's e-mail addresses, or add them to related clubbing-type mailing lists?


Most definitely NOT and we will NEVER sell the list / your emails...


In future we may run some advertising / promotions but these will be emailed from a clubtheworld.uk email address and I dont intend on there being many - plus they will be included in the newsletter rather than you getting 5+ emails a week. Right now I'm not emailing anything out.


If you receive stuff from anything other than a clubtheworld.uk email it ISNT us sending it and its cetaintly not from a list we've sold.


Remember, if you display your email publicly there are people going around just adding you to their lists without asking permission. I would recommend you dont display your real email in posts or on your profiles - there is even a fake email field. Note - there are also email bots which run round the net extracting emails from pages. I myself must be on about 1000 mailing lists ever since i set up ctw as my email is on a load of static pages. Its a right pain in the ass so I can sympathise with you !


By the way, only I have access to the mailing list emails - none of the other admins or moderators do.


I would hope that people who know me would know that I would NEVER try to make money out of the members. I am trying to seek banner advertising to help fund hosting longer term but this would come from the event promotors - and from from/affecting the members. I suppose you just have to take my word on this one guys ...


Remember - you can request where a company got your name / which list it came from - they have to tell you by law. You can also get their list shut down if then continue to abuse it / if they dont remove you.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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lol! hun i get the riot e mails aswell an there a pain in the bloody ass!


i keep getting text mesages on my mobile aswell! from sundissential! and ive never been so where the [censored] did they get my number from! lol!!!!


i guess thats life! lol!



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cheers for that reply james. i do trust that you wouldn't just sell off e-mail addresses.


and 879 and dc- it's not about how easy it is to delete them. it's about folk just thinking that simply because you've stuck your e-mail address somewhere that that gives them the right to nick it and spam you.


it's marketing in its laziest form and it's pretty low, really.

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  • CTW Admin

I would hope that people who know me would know that I would NEVER try to make money out of the members.




james u silly billy of course people trust u, otherwise they wouldnt be here, and u wudnt have all these members destroying ure monthly bandwidth lol


of the 40 people that were at SS last weekend and all the regs we see in cheers etc, i can speak for most of em (if not all of em) that ur the reason were all here!!!

dont fret mate - this is our CTW Family, and its getting bigger and better!



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i bet Claire sold her address long ago tongue.gif


and mine probably, all i get is filth in my inbox, with the occaisional, "someone has replied to your post"


very occaisionally mindwink.gif

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