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selling email addresses

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  • CTW Admin

Claire - when you recieve well over 200 spam emails like i do a day its not just clicking a button - i have to spend at least 10-20 minutes sifting through them all ensuring i'm not deleting a valid/important email - either ctw or personal. As Tom says its marketing in its lowest form and i cant understand why they do it as i for one will never buy any of these products / services - i mean they are not even targetted properly !!

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My advice is to set up a hotmail account just for using on sites, then you can use the junkmail filter. I have mine set on exclusive, so only addresses I have actively selected go to my inbox, all the others go to the junkmail folder, and I scan this twice a week, click on anything interesting, and then just dump the lot. If I get an email from someone I want in my junk mail, I just add it to my accepted list. I rarely, if ever, post my POP3 email address (that is the one that goes into Outlook people).

Remember, a hotmail account is free.

And never click to unsubscribe from junk mail that you haven't subscribed to, it just tells them the account is active.

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good idea, i do exactly the same thing - i have a hotmail account i signed up for a couple of years ago that i just use for message boards/junk/usenet/etc that i don't care if it has spam in it or not


but when it's actually related to clubbing, i wonder, because it's still spam but unlike the messages i get about university diplomas and cable descramblers, i can relate to this as it's a lot closer to home and it just makes me actually want to find out what they think they're doing.


now i'm getting riot vs x-static stuff it particularly makes me annoyed, especially since one of the promoters of x-static lives and posts on this message board. HINT HINT


(p.s. i got another x-static one today... that's, what, five now, i think)

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