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CreamyC's 10,000th post on ClubTheWorld.com ...


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this is a wicked post! and for some reason kev, you seamed to have got out in a paragraph what i have been trying to tell everyone for the past year!




Sophie - Met Sophie not long after my first meeting with Jizzer! Sophie was with James, or was she? Was she? Yes! No she weren't, yes she was? Confused? You will be! But after knowing Sophie the longest she is misunderstood in a way that she cant put her points across as clear as some and then people take her the wrong way! If you were to meet her shes nice, I have treated her like [censored] sometimes but the information that I recieved was wrong and someone was stirring the [censored]! And I was wrong! And for that I apologise!





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I wasn't the first victim of the wig, it didn't even go on my head....you must be thinking of someone else :laugh:

I've pasted the link of the photo we had taken at SS, maybe this will refresh your memory.


Bouncer - Sorry you can't bring that into the club
Me - But it's a Banana for godsake !

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Copy & paste it!


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I'm bloody useless (as you already know) will you do it for me ?

Bouncer - Sorry you can't bring that into the club
Me - But it's a Banana for godsake !

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wow wicked post laugh.giflaugh.gifi will sort my advater soon........can anyone help me with that?? the advater i want 2 use doesn't seem 2 [censored] for some reason confused.gif

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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(as you already know)


hightlight the link text......right click and hit copy



in the address bar delete everything, and right click and press paste....


now press enter!


its on the keyboard just beneath the backspace button! spliff.gif

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I must say I am surprised I made it into your post..lol..its a class post btw.. Yeah I am makin my plans to come over and have some fun for a while... I secretly seeing someone?? hmmm do tell what you heard..lol.. I not scared to meet you anymore, have been hearing nice things bout you and also heard your not so bad in real person..lol.. *hugs to Creamy* scratchchin.gifevil_laugh.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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Beckie in la la land - What an arse! Jizzer can lie all he wants but he was gawping, not just gawping but dribbling like a little kid in a sweet shop - pervert!


Kev - I swear on my life it was Da Pander (Paul) who was pointing & staring at Beckie's ass, not me - obviously I couldnt miss it but it was not me who was dribbling like a little kid - it was paul!! I have been known to do that in the past when I was 21/22 but I've grown out of all that now Kevin ! evil_laugh.gif

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Kev - I swear on my life it was Da Pander (Paul) who was pointing & staring at Beckie's ass, not me - obviously I couldnt miss it but it was not me who was dribbling like a little kid - it was paul!! I have been known to do that in the past when I was 21/22 but I've grown out of all that now


yeah yeah james whatever!! you still dribble when you see me



and kev - i know you want my ass!

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Kev - I swear on my life it was Da Pander (Paul) who was pointing & staring at Beckie's ass, not me - obviously I couldnt miss it but it was not me who was dribbling like a little kid - it was paul!! I have been known to do that in the past when I was 21/22 but I've grown out of all that now


yeah yeah james whatever!! you still dribble when you see me



and kev - i know you want my ass! moon.gif

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