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Hellllllllllllllllllllo London

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  • CTW DJs

Hello Everyone,


God I feel mighty popular.... It's gr8 that u have all welcomed me into your little .community! notworthy.gif


Thanks for all visiting my website too.... The agency wrote it, not me.... icon_smile_blush.gif


So what's happening Friday then?



The Crunchmeister

Blah blah blah random rubbish goes here


Unlimited DJS: 01895 850157 - www.djindex.com

Check out the site at http://www.djcrunchie.co.ukDon't forget to leave a messgae in my guestbook cheers!

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  • CTW Members

Wildchild and it's so good it hurts!

And an off CTW event to boot.......


Check out the "this week" forum under clubbing for all that moves you.

bIkI m0nster
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la splat..

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  • CTW DJs

Yes, Misty I used to go Kudos in Birmingham....


I was normally to be found K'd off me face in the garden, as I couldn't cope with all those screaming bitches, I'm on about the music.... F**K THE FUNK!!!


Don't know any Richards though, and I thought I knew everyone!


So who's going to Wildchild, and whatever will I wear!?!?!?



Blah blah blah random rubbish goes here


Unlimited DJS: 01895 850157 - www.djindex.com

Check out the site at http://www.djcrunchie.co.ukDon't forget to leave a messgae in my guestbook cheers!

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