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Long distance relationships


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Ive got mixed thoughts about long distance relationships....


I think they can [censored] if you want it to. Extra effort has to be put in but that doesnt always have to be a problem. But there has to be trust. Which is something i fail to do funnily enough. But that might have something to do with being cheated on so much etc.... shrug.gif


But on a brighter note, i think long distance relationships can be good because i think you have your own space and dont get under each others feet all the time. Also i would imagine its more special when you see each other. Something to look forward to, not just same old same old.



i agree with u there thumbs.gif


i've been cheated on 2 many times aswell and i find it hard 2 trust those days........

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



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Iv been cheated on and [censored] on fron great heights many times but i dont judge others by my exs etcs downfalls!! Everyone has their faults but its not a fair reason to not trust future bfs, u could push them away by not trusting them and ruin things!!


I know its hard but u need to trust people, ok it may leave u open to bein hurt but id rather get hurt by trusting someone and then bein [censored] on etc than bein hurt by not trusting them and losing them thru that cos to lose someone really nice and trustworthy thru ur own fault would be much worse than u knowin they were a wanker and its their fault!! IMO

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Ive only had 2 'serious' relationships. I found out my b/f (ex) had cheated on me with 2 girls, after i had split up with him. I think the only reason it bothered me so much was because one of the girls was supposed to be my mate. But they are now engaged so i suppose one good thing has come out of it...


But the other person i really trusted because he always spoke about cheating on people in such a foul manor. When i found out he had cheated on me it broke my heart and made me feel like i couldnt trust anyone. But i think that one of my problems is that i trust people too easily and leave myself open to being shitted on! I think it was more of a shock really because i never thought he would stoop that low... but no ones perfect and these things happen!


I say learn from your mistakes and dont dwell on the past... well its working for me anyway. (well it is now)


Also im not going to label all you blokes out there as cheating little so and so's! Cos we all know that some of you (notice i used the word SOME laugh.gif) are capable of keeping your willy in your pants!


Anyway.... i seem to be straying off the subject here....



I say if you like someone enough then go for it! Distance doesnt have to be a problem! thumbs.gif



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Ive only had 2 'serious' relationships. I found out my b/f (ex) had cheated on me with 2 girls, after i had split up with him. I think the only reason it bothered me so much was because one of the girls was supposed to be my mate. But they are now engaged so i suppose one good thing has come out of it...


But the other person i really trusted because he always spoke about cheating on people in such a foul manor. When i found out he had cheated on me it broke my heart and made me feel like i couldnt trust anyone. But i think that one of my problems is that i trust people too easily and leave myself open to being shitted on! I think it was more of a shock really because i never thought he would stoop that low... but no ones perfect and these things happen!


I say learn from your mistakes and dont dwell on the past... well its working for me anyway. (well it is now)


Also im not going to label all you blokes out there as cheating little so and so's! Cos we all know that some of you (notice i used the word SOME laugh.gif) are capable of keeping your willy in your pants!


Anyway.... i seem to be straying off the subject here....



I say if you like someone enough then go for it! Distance doesnt have to be a problem! thumbs.gif



just to say dont let this bad experience ruin your chances of a good relationship. i had loads of [censored] happen to me in the past, and at one point i thought [censored] it, i wasnt going to bother any more. but im glad i didnt give up!! you will meet your prince - your only young. dont let the bad experiences stop you from eventually having somthing wonderful


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I wish!

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But the other person i really trusted because he always spoke about cheating on people in such a foul manor. When i found out he had cheated on me it broke my heart and made me feel like i couldnt trust anyone. But i think that one of my problems is that i trust people too easily and leave myself open to being shitted on! I think it was more of a shock really because i never thought he would stoop that low... but no ones perfect and these things happen!


I say learn from your mistakes and dont dwell on the past... well its working for me anyway. (well it is now)


Also im not going to label all you blokes out there as cheating little so and so's! Cos we all know that some of you (notice i used the word SOME laugh.gif) are capable of keeping your willy in your pants!


God only knows why the [censored] u "think" im ignoring u.....


U kaniving (sp.) little dick.

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  • CTW Members
But the other person i really trusted because he always spoke about cheating on people in such a foul manor. When i found out he had cheated on me it broke my heart and made me feel like i couldnt trust anyone. But i think that one of my problems is that i trust people too easily and leave myself open to being shitted on! I think it was more of a shock really because i never thought he would stoop that low... but no ones perfect and these things happen!


I say learn from your mistakes and dont dwell on the past... well its working for me anyway. (well it is now)


Also im not going to label all you blokes out there as cheating little so and so's! Cos we all know that some of you (notice i used the word SOME laugh.gif) are capable of keeping your willy in your pants!


God only knows why the [censored] u "think" im ignoring u.....


U kaniving (sp.) little dick.


Drew i dont know what your on about.... at no point during what i was saying, did i slag you off! Or even mention your [censored] name!


And i wasnt even talking about you at the start, i was talking about Lee!


And its spelt Conniving! flipa.gif


And if you are ignoring me, then you're sad because i havent done anything wrong! And please dont bore me with your "past tense" bollocks! sleepy.gif

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