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Songs Of Praise - Leics....its not on til 30th???

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am i right or am i wrong?


i been told its not on for a couple of weeks - i dont want to turn up and find out some chart nite garage MC stylee nite is on...


...anyone got DEFINITE info on this?



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I wish people would make thier minds up about dates. I've got a poster on my wall that i stole from the last one. That says that its the 23rd. I presumed that it must be right because its laminated. Surely things that are laminated can't be wrong? How would you change them?

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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See, this makes me even more sure that it wasn't our fault we ended up at a funky house nite. February and Weavers are both plotting against us so that we turn up on the wrong days!


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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See, this makes me even more sure that it wasn't our fault we ended up at a funky house nite. February and Weavers are both plotting against us so that we turn up on the wrong days!


Couldn't agree more. Theres something wrong with weavers that I can't quite put my finger on. I think they're on a mission to make us think we're mad as a hatter, however mad he is confused.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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Will see u on Sunday. Am off to Sundissentials then afterssentials but after a few hours kip should be raring to go for Songs.


U fancy meeting up in Revolution before hand?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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