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Are we REALLY that cliquey on CTW ???

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I don't think it's cliquey. You guys do come across as a close group of friends, but that can only be a good thing. It doesn't mean that you exclude other people. In my opinion you come across as really warm and welcoming to new members.


However, in defence of newbies who maybe feel a bit intimidated, I think it might be the sense of humour that's the problem. A lot of the people here are quick and witty and some of the posts are a real fast exchange of funny put-downs. Maybe, if someone's new and a bit shy, they're reluctant to join in cos' they're intimidated by the banter? However, I've never seen any of the CTW regulars try and force such banter on anyone, it's only with people who are up for it. So I'd say if that was (maybe) the reason, it's really unecessary (spel.?)



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  • CTW Admin
However, in defence of newbies who maybe feel a bit intimidated, I think it might be the sense of humour that's the problem. A lot of the people here are quick and witty and some of the posts are a real fast exchange of funny put-downs. Maybe, if someone's new and a bit shy, they're reluctant to join in cos' they're intimidated by the banter?



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  • CTW Promotors
However, in defence of newbies who maybe feel a bit intimidated, I think it might be the sense of humour that's the problem. A lot of the people here are quick and witty and some of the posts are a real fast exchange of funny put-downs. Maybe, if someone's new and a bit shy, they're reluctant to join in cos' they're intimidated by the banter?




Thats my line bitch.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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  • CTW DJs
However, in defence of newbies who maybe feel a bit intimidated, I think it might be the sense of humour that's the problem. A lot of the people here are quick and witty and some of the posts are a real fast exchange of funny put-downs. Maybe, if someone's new and a bit shy, they're reluctant to join in cos' they're intimidated by the banter?




However, I've never seen any of the CTW regulars try and force such banter on anyone, it's only with people who are up for it. So I'd say if that was (maybe) the reason, it's really unecessary (spel.?)





AGREED, people should be allowed to have fun.!!!!

if not what is the point of the site???


Thats my line bitch.

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  • CTW DJs

Personally i dont see the problem.

Alot of the new members that join all live in the same towns(or at least close to) as many of the regulars on the board. Making it easier to chat and make posts as they have alot in common, they maybe go to the same clubs, or know the same ppl.

My point being, im still pretty new, have only met scream and ellsxbells once and live in a totally different country. I have no one on the site(that i know of) who goes to the clubs i do or can meet up with me regularly. But i feel really welcome, have been chatting to as many ppl as poss and am really enjoying it.


So newbies shouldnt be shy, or feel unwelcome. If i have been able to do it why shouldnt they?

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Just check the Welcome New Members forum, everyone who declares their arrival get welcomed in by most people. Hardly an unwelcoming site really. Just bring a sense of humour and your set to go. smile.gif

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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  • CTW Members
I only joined about two weeks ago and i have found everyone really friendly, but i can see why you might finds it a bit cliquey cos everyone does seem to know everyone else. I think if you are new and get invloved i.e. post a lot e.t.c. then you wouldn't find it cliquey at all!!!!!!!


I agree totally I joined what last week sometime and I've been flat out postin and stuff and I've already met some wicked ppl here (Just not in the flesh yet) Life is all bout the more u put in the more u get out of it.

Here's hopein 2 met loads more wicked ppl.

Laters peeps.

Geesus out spliff.gif

REMEMBER :- Geesus Loves U *mwah* xxx

And every1 else thinks ur mashed.

(heehee slight variation on the original sayin)


Dont stop a droppin!


Once u pop u cant stop!


I think Iam what clubbin peeps would call a cuddle-slut. Teehee

Laters peeps

Geesus out spliff.gif

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