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Are we REALLY that cliquey on CTW ???

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CreamyC said:

Who wrote that ??


By the looks of it, iv come to the conclusion that "uglydave" wrote it!! scratchchin.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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CreamyC said:

Claire DC said:

CreamyC said:

Who wrote that ??


By the looks of it, iv come to the conclusion that "uglydave" wrote it!! scratchchin.gif


Go out.



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Just to add fuel to the fire, I recieved this message of a member the other day ... I've purposefully edited the names out as I dont want this to lead to arguments. Just thought I should post what a few people tell me from time to time. Is this a minority or a majority - only you lot can tell me.... Its possibly there are others who feel the same way but are scared to post/mention - or its possible that there really are only 3 people out of 1400 who have an issue ? ...


james - i hope u do read this and if u do can u pm me or sumthin just so i know my time hasnt been wasted...


basically, as much as i love ctw i'm worried its loosing the charm that sets itself aprart from the mainstream


1stly it is getting more cliquey i know this cant be helped and theres nuffin u can do about it but its only really a minor problem as @ the end of the day newbes r still welcomed as part of the group so we're not really excluding ppl


but what worries me is that encurage slating on the baord - i know are only playing and not to be taken seriously and i hold no grudges against but ppl c that get away with it and try it on them selves - i know i have a few times when in a mood - is another - all nice enuf ppl in real life

and thier by no meens alone - just the 1st few names that came to mind but basically thier overpowering the baord


i'm not saying u should ban em or tell em off etc as i dont belive in moderation much like urself but maybe a genreal msg on ctw saying that "humour slateing" isnt allways taken as a joke and try to respect that others may not appretiate the same kinda windups or maybe a wisper in ere


either way i cant c myself deserting the board as loing as ppl like stay there


just scared to c sumthin so presious and rare fall apart

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Just one question Mr Anon, instead of telling James about it on PM why dont you be brave enough to tell the person direct.


Doing this gets nowhere. How the hell the people supposed to know if no one tells them, if its me, tell me, PM me but theres no use whinging about it to someone else.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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I've decided I think we ARE Cliquey - but we are NICE/Inviting Cliquey...



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xpaulax said:

i agree with that james thumbs.gif


cheers Paula - and its all because we have nice/genuine/decent people on board like yourselves! grouphug.gif

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James said:

xpaulax said:

i agree with that james thumbs.gif


cheers Paula - and its all because we have nice/genuine/decent people on board like yourselves! grouphug.gif







do i fall in exactly??



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well you are genuinely cliquey lmao

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