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Are we REALLY that cliquey on CTW ???

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CreamyC said:

I'm fed up of people not saying things direct.


Me too!! And its gotta be one of a few people with horrendous spelling hasnt it!! nod.gif


TomD said:


btw, i find it amusing that some people really can't take jokes. undecided.gif the whole "slating" type humour totally breaks down stuffyness. having a joke argument with someone shows you're on an equal level with them, and that you're up for just having a laugh, rather than too much of this ---> grouphug.gif which, although good in moderation, means you just end up going around on tip-toes when you're talking to someone for fear of asking something that might offend, like asking them if they want a big mac and finding out they're vegetarian, shock horror. all because every time you've spoken to them before it's been all nice-nice and the kind of conversation you'd have with your mum, not a clubbing mate.



Well said there MrD!! notworthy.gifthumbs.gif




You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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TomD said:





btw, i find it amusing that some people really can't take jokes. undecided.gif the whole "slating" type humour totally breaks down stuffyness. having a joke argument with someone shows you're on an equal level with them, and that you're up for just having a laugh, rather than too much of this ---> grouphug.gif which, although good in moderation, means you just end up going around on tip-toes when you're talking to someone for fear of asking something that might offend, like asking them if they want a big mac and finding out they're vegetarian, shock horror. all because every time you've spoken to them before it's been all nice-nice and the kind of conversation you'd have with your mum, not a clubbing mate.







U have sum'd it up nicely my friend!



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Ive been registered since the 9th of april and todays date is 25/26th morning 3am, and i have got speaking to loads of people and find this THE friendlist site there is on the net,I am on here nearly every nite now saying hi and posting to ppl.TOP SITE smash.gif

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We've captured another! wink.giflaugh.gif

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