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SHOCKING! Mr Moo just PM'd me sumthing rather confidential (and sickening).


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Maria, please don't think im wierd, but i keep having these rather, blinding, smutty dreams of me in a field, arse rapping sheep. I wish i could stop these dreams from happening, but the thing is....im enjoying them, each night it happens. I wake up with a stonker in my pants and i just wana get on the net and search for pictures of big mamma lambs and crack one off. I dont know what it is, but sheep are just sooo attractive.


I thought id let you know this because yr welsh!!




Now, am i the only one that thinks that there is sumthing lacking in his head? Surely this boy needs sum sort medication?


Get sum help dude.


U sick [censored].



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OMG u bitch!


I thought i could trust you!


CTW is really [censored] up!!!

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I say we steal a sheep and put it in sum1s room!

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  • CTW DJs
Maria, please don't think im wierd, but i keep having these rather, blinding, smutty dreams of me in a field, arse rapping sheep. I wish i could stop these dreams from happening, but the thing is....im enjoying them, each night it happens. I wake up with a stonker in my pants and i just wana get on the net and search for pictures of big mamma lambs and crack one off. I dont know what it is, but sheep are just sooo attractive.


I thought id let you know this because yr welsh!!




Now, am i the only one that thinks that there is sumthing lacking in his head? Surely this boy needs sum sort medication?


Get sum help dude.


U sick [censored].




LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! spliff.gif

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