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OK, the first step in diagnosing my machine has started. As I was disassembling it to remove the hard drive, I discovered that the Heat Sink had fallen off my Graphics Card!! Should my machine still POST without a graphics card in it, as it isn't at the moment. This evening I can put in another graphics card, but I don't want to mess about taking one machine apart to put it in this one, just to find out that cos it isn't posting, that the Mobo has gone too.

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blink - a computed REQUIRES the following things to post:




* grafix card




altho u shouldnt need a heat sink on ur graffix card as long as u dont do ne intensive [censored] on it (ie games or nething that accesses opengl/directdraw/direct3d) - it will shortern the life of ur graffix card, but these things live longer than the spec of software forbids, if u get what i meen

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OK, on the whole it is good news. I am writing this on my dad's machine, but it booted up from MY hard drive, which means all the data is tsill intact smile.gif


My machine won't post even with a new graphics card in, which suggests it is the Mobo....but, when I bought it, I took out the 5 year warranty (don't ask me why, but good job I did), and I used to [censored] at PC World, so i can drop it in to my friends to look at, who will hopefully say the mobo is f*ct and it is beyond economical repair, and I will get a new machine of some description. Could be the best of both worlds

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