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Things that phaze you


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I have just been chatting to a friend today, and I said we should meet up with a friend I introduced him to a few weeks ago. And he turned around and said "Oh, I have been chatting to them quite a lot since then". neither of them had mentioned this to me.

It doesn't bother me, it is just a bit of a suprise, and I suppose part of me feels like they have been keeping something from me....but then again why should they mention it, I don't mention when I have been talking to other people.


But it has totally thrown my concentration, I can't concentrate on [censored] now, and just feel "blah".


I hate being this sensitive about things. Are other people like this, or is it just me being weird?

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  • CTW Admin

no blink - you're right - it pisses me off too ! banghead.gif

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huin the same sort of thing has happened to me, iv not got a lot of friends here in nuneaton iv actually only got 2 friends i spend time with here and one of them was craig. craig has not long moved to nuneaton from devon and i introduced him to a couple of people i used to [censored] with and we went for a drink. since then craig comes round then says im off to marks or wen on line its like oh me and mark are doin such and such. so i can understand why your feeling like this. its not nice.

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i find I think about toooooo much tooooooo deep these days and it srews my head up a little, and kinda makes me feel dizzy!


It would piss me off too - amd a little paranoid paranoid.gif if they hadnt told me, is it coz they were talking about me? paranoid.gif

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  • CTW Members

i know exactly wat u mean hun,u try not to let it get to u,but it does,u wonder why they havent told u they've been speakin,and why they've not invited u to go out with them, there's no need. i find that if people do this, then they are not true friends thefinger.gif

I wanna snort cocaine on the breakfast tray...
I wanna get twisted.
Do u fuk as well as u dance???

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