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LOL - it felt really early when i got up for \/\/ork this morning!!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

I was up at 4.30 sat morning, and finally got some sleep after Sexy Beast finished last night, and I currently don't even know what day it is, let alone what time!

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i had to get up at 8 this morning so i cud come into uni to get some [censored] done, but all the computers with oracle on were taken angryfire.gif


so im sat in another room at this ridiculously early hour killing time b4 my mate picks me up to go to manc for the day sleepy.gif

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. ~ There has not been any great talent without an element of madnesshttp://www.lucasforums.com/images/smilies/monkeydance.gif



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  • CTW Members
i had to get up at 8 this morning so i cud come into uni to get some [censored] done, but all the computers with oracle on were taken angryfire.gif


so im sat in another room at this ridiculously early hour killing time b4 my mate picks me up to go to manc for the day sleepy.gif


jawdrop.gif 8?? That's a lie-in for me, i'd been in [censored] an hour by then rolleyes1.giflaugh.gif

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  • CTW Members
I hate mondays thumbsdown.gif especially when i am hungover and didn't get to bed til really late.... Oh and all the clocks in my house told me I still had another hour in bed.... then i realised i hadn't turned them forwards yet rolleyes1.gif


I didn't put mine forward either, my dog was tryin 2 wake me 2 go 4 walk at 6(well i thought it was 6) so i was shoutin at her, wasn't till i eventually put tv on that realized! So she had 2 cross her legs!

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  • CTW Members
i had to get up at 8 this morning so i cud come into uni to get some [censored] done, but all the computers with oracle on were taken angryfire.gif


so im sat in another room at this ridiculously early hour killing time b4 my mate picks me up to go to manc for the day sleepy.gif


jawdrop.gif 8?? That's a lie-in for me, i'd been in [censored] an hour by then rolleyes1.giflaugh.gif


yes, but i am a student, im not supposed to get out of bed till des and mel is on dammit!!!!!!!

btw does ne1 else think that des and mel should be taken out and shot for this travesty of a tv show???

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. ~ There has not been any great talent without an element of madnesshttp://www.lucasforums.com/images/smilies/monkeydance.gif



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it involves Des o'Connor trying desperately to get a decent career again, whilst sat next to Mel somebody or other who never had a career in the first place. They then get other ppl trying to resurect their flagging careers on as guests and run some really bad competitions

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. ~ There has not been any great talent without an element of madnesshttp://www.lucasforums.com/images/smilies/monkeydance.gif



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  • CTW Members

The only Mel I can think of who would fit the bill would be the "comedienne" who also appears in the King's Mill adverts. (Wow, I can remember some crap TV!!)

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  • CTW Members
it involves Des o'Connor trying desperately to get a decent career again, whilst sat next to Mel somebody or other who never had a career in the first place. They then get other ppl trying to resurect their flagging careers on as guests and run some really bad competitions



laugh.gif i've seen odd bits of that show and it is poo.... I know a few guys who've worked with Des and he's meant to be a nightmare - won't come out his dressing room for rehersals and appears with only seconds to spare before they shoot!! Can't tell that by his crapness can you scratchchin.gif nooooo....

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