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Sexual Fantasies.


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  • CTW Moderators
summer rain is best, cold winter rain well that makes you have nips like football studs on both parties!!


Or like rivets off a war ship.


I duno what it is...but water and sex seems to be a massive fantsy of mine.


Its needs to be done.


mmmmmm luvu.gif

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well put it this way when underwar you will build pressure up which leads to suction. get it??? jawdrop.gifjawdrop.gif [/quote


Its bollox, ive done it in the bath....


She seems fine still.... LOL!

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it's not bollox you fool. Just cus it didn't happen to you means it doesn't happen. That's like saying i haven't ever had a particular illness and saying it doesn't exist because you haven't experienced it!!


GOD, some people eh!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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  • CTW Members
it's not bollox you fool. Just cus it didn't happen to you means it doesn't happen. That's like saying i haven't ever had a particular illness and saying it doesn't exist because you haven't experienced it!!


GOD, some people eh!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


Of course it didnt happen to "me" lol.gif

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