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Who would you most like to shag off CTW?

Wub Wub

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Txted wot? About me? Now I'm interested! scratchchin.gif


Ahhhhhh.... the tables have turned hehe! spliff.gif

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Although there's few peeps with nice pics, the only person I've met through here is Raverbaby. And I wouldn't say no! wink.giflol.gif




Why didnt u try it on with her? lol.giflaugh.gifwink.gif


Or did u try allllll night? bigsmile.gifspliff.gif


majority of the males in there tried it on with me. dont u understand, we are there 2 RAVE not pull!


theres only one person i mite make an exception 2 that 2 and spend the whole night with them...

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  • CTW DJs
majority of the males in there tried it on with me. dont u understand, we are there 2 RAVE not pull!


theres only one person i mite make an exception 2 that 2 and spend the whole night with them...


glad sum1 pointed that out


altho i have to say thats a bit harsh saying the majority of men in a club try it on with u as i'm 100% in real raves and clubs most men go out clubbing 4 the same reason most women do - to dance and socilise.

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Members
majority of the males in there tried it on with me. dont u understand, we are there 2 RAVE not pull!


theres only one person i mite make an exception 2 that 2 and spend the whole night with them...


glad sum1 pointed that out


altho i have to say thats a bit harsh saying the majority of men in a club try it on with u as i'm 100% in real raves and clubs most men go out clubbing 4 the same reason most women do - to dance and socilise.


okay okay i exaguarated there, but i bet atleast 30+ men tried it on with me and it just fuckin annoying.

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altho i have to say thats a bit harsh saying the majority of men in a club try it on with u as i'm 100% in real raves and clubs most men go out clubbing 4 the same reason most women do - to dance and socilise.




Music is EVERYTHING @ these places!

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  • CTW Members
altho i have to say thats a bit harsh saying the majority of men in a club try it on with u as i'm 100% in real raves and clubs most men go out clubbing 4 the same reason most women do - to dance and socilise.




Music is EVERYTHING @ these places!


music mite b everything but its nothing without the MCing! flipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gif

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  • CTW DJs

never really saw the point of highering out a DJ only to get sum1 to talk all over the records


if i wanted to hear sum1 chat thro the music i would wonder into the chill out and spowt bollox to a stranger flipa.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW DJs
majority of the males in there tried it on with me. dont u understand, we are there 2 RAVE not pull!


theres only one person i mite make an exception 2 that 2 and spend the whole night with them...


glad sum1 pointed that out


altho i have to say thats a bit harsh saying the majority of men in a club try it on with u as i'm 100% in real raves and clubs most men go out clubbing 4 the same reason most women do - to dance and socilise.


okay okay i exaguarated there, but i bet atleast 30+ men tried it on with me and it just fuckin annoying.


well u must be a really cutie wink.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Members
never really saw the point of highering out a DJ only to get sum1 to talk all over the records


if i wanted to hear sum1 chat thro the music i would wonder into the chill out and spowt bollox to a stranger flipa.gif


bcuz they get the crowd going - u know crowd participation an all.


at the end of the day tho i suppose its all down 2 the fact that i like hardcore an u like hardhouse!


but i wud just like 2 say that Storm and Whizzkidd r Gods notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif and also [censored] GORGEOUS luvu.gifluvu.gifluvu.gif

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  • CTW Members
majority of the males in there tried it on with me. dont u understand, we are there 2 RAVE not pull!


theres only one person i mite make an exception 2 that 2 and spend the whole night with them...


glad sum1 pointed that out


altho i have to say thats a bit harsh saying the majority of men in a club try it on with u as i'm 100% in real raves and clubs most men go out clubbing 4 the same reason most women do - to dance and socilise.


okay okay i exaguarated there, but i bet atleast 30+ men tried it on with me and it just fuckin annoying.


well u must be a really cutie wink.gif


i think its the pants an the arse thats in them that does it!

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bcuz they get the crowd going - u know crowd participation an all.


We have top DJs 2 do that! etc....


at the end of the day tho i suppose its all down 2 the fact that i like hardcore an u like hardhouse!


Yes, and the sooner u come to a hardhouse "rave" with me, the sooner u can come to our side of the line spliff.gif



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We have top DJs 2 do that! etc....



yeah an we hav top DJs an all but do they DJ's go "ON THE COUNT OF THREE THE NOISE!!!!!!" "I WANNA HEAR IT FROM THE SLAMMIN VINYL CREW" "UR MY SEXY BABY HELL I WANT U ALL I WANNA KNOW IS DO U LOVE ME 2" and give shout outs 2 the true hardcore ravers? no they dont! flipa.gif


Yes, and the sooner u come to a hardhouse "rave" with me, the sooner u can come to our side of the line spliff.gif



yeah but i wont b doing that much raving at the hardhouse rave will i? laugh.gifspliff.gif

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We have DJs that do it for the crowd! spliff.gif


yeah but i wont b doing that much raving at the hardhouse rave will i?


Oh? spliff.gif


Will we be having a quiet drink @ the bar u mean?

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