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Every1 who survived the beach tornado

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  • CTW Members

How mental was that?! Still been laughing bout it today. Imagine if we actually took off on the duvet, we might've been able to get home quicker! Whos still finding sand in strange places? icon_smile_blush.gif

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  • CTW Members

Explain plz... smile.gif


Im also worried about the


"Whos still finding sand in strange places?"



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  • CTW Members

HAHAHA!! that was sooooooooooooo funny! remember jsut grabbing me phones that was takin off n ducking for cover!!still had sand in my ears this mornin! Def v bizarre finish to tidy jawdrop.gifjawdrop.gifjawdrop.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Moo- after tidy on monday we went down to the beach to 'chillout' 4 a bit got hit by a tornedo! jawdrop.gif

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  • CTW Members

Me, chris_e_boy, bunnykins, elly and jay had stopped off at the beach on the way back to have a break when out of nowhere a fuckin tornado hit us! It was so wierd all we cud do was laugh afterwards!

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  • CTW Members



I wont even ask where u are finding sand.... scratchchin.gif



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  • CTW Members


I wont even ask where u are finding sand.... scratchchin.gif



Amazing how many places it can go! scratchchin.gif

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  • CTW Members

Me and Tommy were the sensible ones for staying in the car! It was hilarious seeing you all get blown away, hahahahahaha!!!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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  • CTW Admin

arse - wish i'd been there for that - tornados are ace!!

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  • CTW Members

it hit us just as i got out of the car, it was funny watching u lot trying to work out what was happening all i could c was u lot shouting at each other trying to cover your eyes laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif i'm so glad i didn't join u to "chill out"

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