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[ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

David Timothy

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leedzlad22 said:

dani_babyboo said:

leedzlad22 said:

ok thats sorted is everybody else ok with this???

we will prob see each other anyway before hand but here goes.






8PM & 2AM




b4 makin decisions lets see what everyone says too this as maybe james or someone wanted to sort it all out for everyone, i thought usually on these big meetups one of the admins or mods sorts it out. not buttin in but jus thought thats what happens shrug.gif


and b4 anyone thinks im startin im not i was just sayin as it is a big meetup, sorry.gif



haha well i say different i was the first to put this post up nobody has even thought of a place to meet apart from me and it seems other ppl have ok' ed it so why u bothered? if u dont aggree then say announce.giflol.gif


is there a problem with what iv said? james might own the site but we are the people that keep it running! grin.gif


ok well i did state i wernt startin jus askin and u go and laugh in my face and go stroppy, with an attitude like that u will be lucky to get anyone meeting u. oh and i can remember a post bein put up on this before yours so the childish i done it first attitude dont help either


oh note please neon wont be there for obvious reasons everybody.


it wasnt that i was dissagreeing jus that people organise meetups the week b4 makin it easier on everyone as they will then no the round about times they are getting there. like i said b4 i was not startin i was just askin and sayin slow down and wait before making final decisions. grin.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Moderators
cyberdonkey said:

go dani, go dani, go dani, thefinger.gif


im not startin lou i jus dont like bein laughed at and childish behaviour, we are all adults and should discuss things not say well i put the post up so i will do it, how pathetic.


anyway u lol stop stiring


only joking babe cuddle.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Members
dani_babyboo said:

cyberdonkey said:

go dani, go dani, go dani, thefinger.gif


im not startin lou i jus dont like bein laughed at and childish behaviour, we are all adults and should discuss things not say well i put the post up so i will do it, how pathetic.


dont worry bout it chick, everyones gonna see everyone during the day anyway

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  • CTW DJs
dani_babyboo said:

cyberdonkey said:

go dani, go dani, go dani, thefinger.gif


im not startin lou i jus dont like bein laughed at and childish behaviour, we are all adults and should discuss things not say well i put the post up so i will do it, how pathetic.


anyway u lol stop stiring


only joking babe cuddle.gif



erm ! childish behaviour? dont think so hun i cant be childish with my job !

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anyway dani like i said i was only saying! ur the 1 getting all funny about it think u need to chillout i pm' ed ya but u did not reply! also i would' nt be bothered to meet up anyway ill be far too [censored] and the people i do wanna meet up with iv got there numbers anyway !

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  • CTW DJs
cyberdonkey said:

anyone would think your a brain surgeon!!!



im better than that hun lol laugh.gif

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  • CTW DJs
cyberdonkey said:

anyone would think your a brain surgeon!!!



do u live in leeds hun? im sure we had a chat before but cant remember ! anyway hows neon? hope he getting better he was sooo looking forward to global aswell


xx d xx

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to [ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

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