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[ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

David Timothy

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Definatly going to be there. Last year was fantastic and how could I miss pepsi's birthday? Especially as you're making the effort to come to mine in the middle of your exams thumbs.gif


Anyway, yeah, its going to be good, as long as the weathers nice and they don't go too mad with the security

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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cant wait. my bf's uncle owns the tents that host the arenas if that makes sence, well his company do all the rigging so hopefully wont have to pay. had an ace time last year altho the last hour killed me, me and all my mates got a coach together in the end about 36 of us was a right laugh

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Woow wooW It's goin 2b UBER MASSIVO grouphug.gif

I got my ticket on Tue and cant wait. thumbs.gif


Spose I'd better try get the weekend of work as well. Ow well [censored] it it's there loss if they dont give me the time off. thefinger.gifeviltongue.gif


Will b my 1st proper outdoor event. FUCKIN smash.gifin line up. luvu.gif BRIN IT ON!!!! bouncy.gif


Cu all there. Hope u c loads of old and new faces.


Prepare urself 4the unleashin of the CRAZY NUTTER nut.gif


Love u all inlove.gifcuddle.gif


Blah blah biting.gif driddle diddle


Shhhhh!!!.... shhh.gif ..... Quick hide the men in white coats r comin. Was only ment 2b let out on day release and that was 3months ago lol.gif

REMEMBER :- Geesus Loves U *mwah* xxx

And every1 else thinks ur mashed.

(heehee slight variation on the original sayin)


Dont stop a droppin!


Once u pop u cant stop!


I think Iam what clubbin peeps would call a cuddle-slut. Teehee

Laters peeps

Geesus out spliff.gif

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Evilhedfuk said:

I may be in attendance.


Will have to see how my $$$ work out tho!


ED - i think ian is going - i will be too but not together (if u see what i mean?!!) u should call him, arrange to meet up.


see u there!!

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to [ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

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