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[ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

David Timothy

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i'll be on me "own" all day/night anyway, 'coz i ain't going down wiv anyone in particular... shrug.gif [ waits for comments of "loser" and "no mates" to be said before moving on ]... also i ain't been global b4, so that'll make sure that i'll get lost, which is fun... and is anyone else going down on their own or in small groups that might wanna meet-up or summink b4 the bigger all-of-ctw-randoms-in-one-place-meetup? scratchchin.gif




me main question is...does anyone know how much stuff like drinks is? and when they serve 'em from / till n stuff...? also, is there anyway of findin' out when certain djs will be on in which arena's... so ya dont miss the ones you really wanna see?


if anyone wants to contact me.... that'd be a first... whilst at global.. if the phones are workin' proper.... then you could try us on 07947706511, or if anyone else wants to gimme their no. so i can contact them whilst i'm there then jus' post it here or pm it to me... fanku. biggrin.gif

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spunkmonkey said:

shrug.gif [ waits for comments of "loser" and "no mates" to be said before moving on


Dont worry about it m8.... Why do u think we all joined CTW wink.giflaugh.gif

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I'm probably pissing some of you off with this but I SERIOUSLY cant wait to get there.


15 hours of the music I've grown to love in 1 day, and I get to meet so many like minded peeps aswell.


Lets just hope its as good as (if not better than) last year.



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Bukey said:

Countdown to Global...



will this owkr????

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to [ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

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