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[ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

David Timothy

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hehe!! tongue.gif well im def going too..me and me bf (skittle) on here!! Cannot wait!!!! grin.gif

If i should die this very moment,
I wouldn't fear,
For i have known completeness like being here.
Wrapped in the warmth of you,
Loving every breath of you,
Still my heart this moment or it might burst,
Can we stay right here,
Untill the end of time,
Till the seas stop churning,
Wanna love you till the seas run dry.
Cos Ive found the one i am searching for...........the one.

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this is gonna be sweet az to meet some ppl smile.gif since only met about half a dozen so far. looking forward to 12 hour mission including getting lost in a field, hopefully with company =)

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rickd said:

Shouldn't worry about that... It's just when you're off your face and you get introduced to loads of new people you need to start worrying... wink.gif


Nah!!! Its better for me when I'm off my face coz then I can think of things to chat about.


I'm sure you lot are as bad as me anyway...well I hope so. nut.gifnut.gifnut.gif

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CreamyC said:



Good, stay at home.



My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW DJs
MrBagginz said:

I will definately be going but unfortunately, I have no idea how I will get there. Plus most of my mates cant afford tickets. So if you see a random lonely [censored] head, please come say hello because it is likely to be me frown.giffrown.gif


hi matey if uv nobody to go with why dont you come with us on leeds coach? thumbs.gif

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not long now im sooo excite i cant wait rah!


dunno what to wear yet thinking cyber as not done it in years now.


also cant wait to meet u lot its gonna be sooooo much fun we got a meet up place yet?!?



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  • CTW DJs
leedzlad22 said:



not long now im sooo excite i cant wait rah!


dunno what to wear yet thinking cyber as not done it in years now.


also cant wait to meet u lot its gonna be sooooo much fun we got a meet up place yet?!?




ill be at front left hand side in sundis arena if u wanna come say ello

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Me and the Mrs. Bird have got our tickets, a bargain £49.50 from HMV. thumbs.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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I paid £54 in total after booking fees, not good at all

but I really couldn't be arsed to get to HMV!!


LAZY DEVIL! yawn.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

I need all money for tickets by this fri for those of you who are getting them off me

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to [ Big CTW Meet-up ] - Godskitchen Global Gathering (Saturday 26th July 2003)

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