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In the twats own words!!


In My Own Words...


Heya! Im an 18/M, Im pretty much a down to earth guy who cares about what go's on in this crazy world, sad I know yes but I do hope to make a diffrence somehow in my lifetime. I enjoy going Ice skating, swimming, eating out, bowling etc. My interests are computers, my guitar, reading, making new friends, computer games and music! (Your not snoring yet are you? :-P) Don't message me if your a fanatical clubber/raver, I really don't like that stuff.


Whats his name??? this could be fun thefinger.gif



I think everybody who is on faceparty should message him about how they enjoy clubbing fanatically!!! really piss him off!!! ROFLMAO

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just posted this to his mailbox on fp:


Hi there,

just a quick message to ask why you beleive my friend is sad for going to clubs like sundissential and enjoying herself?


If you think about it you must be a pretty lame [censored] if you feel you have to message people to let them know your opinions on their social lives!

Take a look at yourself and ask what is so good in your life, not much if you have the time to message randoms about there lifestyle!!


You say in your own words that you like making new friends, well you got a great way of going round doing that havent you!

Not exactly as down to earth as you think you are are ya pal!!!!


if your after friends why dont you visit this message board:


CTW Sexiest Male Member

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just posted this to his mailbox on fp:


Hi there,

just a quick message to ask why you beleive my friend is sad for going to clubs like sundissential and enjoying herself?


If you think about it you must be a pretty lame [censored] if you feel you have to message people to let them know your opinions on their social lives!

Take a look at yourself and ask what is so good in your life, not much if you have the time to message randoms about there lifestyle!!


You say in your own words that you like making new friends, well you got a great way of going round doing that havent you!

Not exactly as down to earth as you think you are are ya pal!!!!


if your after friends why dont you visit this message board:



Mate that is spot on!! Absolute classic mate!! thumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gif

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i sent him a message...


Hi think your real cute and would love 2 get 2 know you, but u say u dont like clubbers, why? isnt that stereo-typing? personally i think its sad and offensive, even more so its pathetic! Think you've been sitting at your computer 2 long, you seem 2 have lost the power 2 socialise!


Hope i get a reply he's FINE haha rolleyes1.gifluvu.gif



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ahhh [censored] kev dumped before ya relationship got started, lol.


elle i think ya got a stunner there!!


Whos relationship?


Do ya think? absolutely gorgeous aint he? makes me go weak at the knees luvu.gif

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Gave him a taste of the 2Hotty wit...


'Bit of a fuckwit are you not?


Slagging other people for liking a different type of music. I happen to think that people who dress as the devil, jump around banging into each other to 'have a good time' is as sad as it fecking gets, but hell - I let them get on with it - doesn't effect me. If you like him so much why don't you go live with the devil and do one instead of bothering others?'

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I understand, hope i aint steppin on anyones toes, i justy cant resist him!


Hope he says yes, i dont think i could hand the rejection, it'd break my heart!

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