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Censored word

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TomD said:

why is that word now censored?


we're all 18.


well most of us anyway.


Some babies obviously get offended.


Probably the same babies that protest against the war.

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i thought we'd had this discussion before and it was decided it wasn't going to be censored because we're all grown-ups and we can handle different combinations of four letters from the alphabet.


seriously though, how many folk complained about this??

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  • CTW Admin

you dont have to be 18 to view the forums

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  • CTW Admin
TomD said:

i thought we'd had this discussion before and it was decided it wasn't going to be censored because we're all grown-ups and we can handle different combinations of four letters from the alphabet.


seriously though, how many folk complained about this??


its overused - its fine if used 'occassionally'

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I agree with Tom - if ur gonna censor one word then why can we say other swear words etc? And to be honest if u read a swar word and know what it is thensurely ur old enough to be using it urself? If this was for instance a bbc forum then i could understand why it was censored along with other words like that but its a clubbing forum and if we can talk about the use of various drugs then how can u justify censoring just one swear word like that?! shrug.gifconfused.gif

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  • CTW Admin

well put claire ! now i understand !


its been UN-censored.

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  • CTW Admin

[censored] has now been [censored]



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