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Isit true, that if your a good dancer...


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raverbaby69 said:


actually my horse doesnt hav bollox, he's a gelding!



I'm waiting 4 the wots a gelding post rolleyes1.gif


Means he's been castrated jawdrop.gif No babies 4 charlie!

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ElleKay said:

raverbaby69 said:


actually my horse doesnt hav bollox, he's a gelding!



I'm waiting 4 the wots a gelding post rolleyes1.gif



lol, so woz i!

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Mr_Happy said:

ElleKay said:

lol.gif bless charlie, altho save him money in child support!

whos charlie? confused.gif


The topic of the conversation Raverbabys horse rolleyes1.gif

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ElleKay said:

Mr_Happy said:

ElleKay said:

lol.gif bless charlie, altho save him money in child support!

whos charlie? confused.gif


The topic of the conversation Raverbabys horse rolleyes1.gif


strange - i thought his name was sumthin a bit more made up and unprenounceable


damn my 5second memory

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Mr_Happy said:


strange - i thought his name was sumthin a bit more made up and unprenounceable


damn my 5second memory


She did tell us laugh.gif


Are u a gold-fish? never mind wot u lack in the momory department i'm sure u make up in other departments wink.gif I hope lol.gif

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  • CTW DJs
ElleKay said:

Mr_Happy said:


strange - i thought his name was sumthin a bit more made up and unprenounceable


damn my 5second memory


She did tell us laugh.gif


Are u a gold-fish? never mind wot u lack in the momory department i'm sure u make up in other departments wink.gif I hope lol.gif


i am v creative thumbs.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Whos Charlie again? confused.gif

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Ahhhhhh thumbs.gif

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em conformation is a bit harder 2 explain than the other things i havdun ut ill give it a go.


erm conformation is basically how the horse is put together. and to win in showing classes ur horse has to have good conformation.


if i horse has BAD conformation, basically it doesnt look qute right, maybe its head isnt in propotion to its body, or itll have some fault in its legs like, actually im not even gonna bother going in2 the different types of conformation faults they can have as u wont understand!


if they have good conformation (like my charlie) then everything is like in proportion, they look right, and like they have none of the faults that horse can get.


does that help?


mayb ellekay u can help me explain this one as well cuz i feel like i didnt do a very good job of it!

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