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What A Wanker

Claire DC

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He messaged me on fp and then i looked at his profile - look at his profession etc SAD!!


He is askin for trouble puttin that on there!!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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thing is tho, if he really did hav 5 people sellin drugs 4 him he wudnt write it on faceparty! he's just a sad sad little boy trying 2make himself sound gud!

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Another one rolleyes1.gif


liverpool_guy says...


Hi there,

My name's Anthony and I'm a 21 year old guy from Liverpool looking to meet someone off the internet for a night of horny fun. I expect you're already thinking - loser, ugly bastard, weirdo, etc, and I don't blame you. I know I'd think the same thing if someone messaged me like this. I assure you I'm not a loser, ugly bastard or a weirdo and can quite easily go out and pull someone (and I often do). But I've had a fantasy for ages now to meet someone off the internet for a night of horny fun. I think its just the whole idea of meeting someone this way that excites me. Having said that if you are interested we'd have to chat on the phone and see if we get on and get to know each other before we meet. I have had a few offers from people online but I've ended up chatting on the phone to people and found them to be weird or have issues so I've never ended up meeting someone this way.

I've sent this message to you because you look really attractive and you seem interesting from your profile. Also I live in Liverpool and have my own car so meeting isn't a problem. Personality is as important as looks if we're going to relax and have some fun together, so hopefully you're interesting and have a good sense of humour.

If you're still reading this you must be at least a little curious so I'll tell you a little about me. I'm 21 and currently at University studying Psychology (Not just a pretty face!). After Uni I'm hoping to travel round the world and havn't a clue where life will take me beyond that. I'm 5 foot 10 with light brown hair and blue eyes and am considered attractive (but have a look at my pics and decide for yourself). I'm easy going and have a great sense of humour and I'm very sarcastic. I'm intelligent and easy to talk to, and I'm sure if we met we'd get on and have a laugh together.

If we were to meet we'd have got to know each other on the phone first, and we'd arrange to meet in a bar or somewhere public like that. We'd have a few drinks and get to know each other and if we were getting on well I'd get us a hotel for the night and we could have some really horny fun. I enjoy all aspects of sex - especially oral - giving and receiving, and I always take my time to please a partner. I'm not into anything strange, I just love sex. I'm willing to try new things and if you had any fantasies yourself I'd be happy to help you fulfil them. If we both wanted it could become a regular thing to meet up every month or two or if you'd prefer a one off that would be fine too.

If you're interested or even just curious to know more the message me back. We can have a chat and get to know each other and maybe even have a chat on the phone so we could meet really soon for some hot horny fun together. You only live once so you might aswell make the most of it. Get in touch!





You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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"Look mum I'm well hard! I've got me own website saying that I am!"


"The drugs selling part makes me look like a real tough guy, although the shut in part does make me look like a mad hermit"

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Capn_Jack said:

Claire you might want to throw away the "nerd" magnet.


haha how would i go about that then?




You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Claire DC said:

Capn_Jack said:

Claire you might want to throw away the "nerd" magnet.


haha how would i go about that then?





change ya picture on faceparty to a pic of deirdre barlow.... that should scare the muppets away yawn.gif

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Claire DC said:

if we were getting on well I'd get us a hotel for the night and we could have some really horny fun. I enjoy all aspects of sex - especially oral - giving and receiving, and I always take my time to please a partner. I'm not into anything strange, I just love sex. I'm willing to try new things and if you had any fantasies yourself I'd be happy to help you fulfil them. If we both wanted it could become a regular thing to meet up every month or two or if you'd prefer a one off that would be fine too.


I think this guy needs to find a decent hooker instead of a girlfriend.....

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Chris_Hutchinson said:

Claire DC said:

Capn_Jack said:

Claire you might want to throw away the "nerd" magnet.


haha how would i go about that then?





change ya picture on faceparty to a pic of deirdre barlow.... that should scare the muppets away yawn.gif


But woudlnt i get people wanting to meet me cos im famous and they wana seel their story to the tabloids or worse just fancying her or wanting kinky sex with a minger? confused.gifparanoid.gifscratchchin.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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I'd be happy to help you fulfil them. If we both wanted it could become a regular thing to meet up every month or two or if you'd prefer a one off that would be fine too.


he doesnt mind what cos he is desperate!! tongue.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Claire DC said:

change ya picture on faceparty to a pic of deirdre barlow.... that should scare the muppets away yawn.gif


But woudlnt i get people wanting to meet me cos im famous and they wana seel their story to the tabloids or worse just fancying her or wanting kinky sex with a minger? confused.gifparanoid.gifscratchchin.gif


Not if you dont let on that its actually a pic of deirdre barlow yawn.gif


As for the kinky sex thing, thats no worse then what your currently getting from face party lol

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Chris_Hutchinson said:

Claire DC said:

change ya picture on faceparty to a pic of deirdre barlow.... that should scare the muppets away yawn.gif


But woudlnt i get people wanting to meet me cos im famous and they wana seel their story to the tabloids or worse just fancying her or wanting kinky sex with a minger? confused.gifparanoid.gifscratchchin.gif


Not if you dont let on that its actually a pic of deirdre barlow yawn.gif


As for the kinky sex thing, thats no worse then what your currently getting lol


eek, i dunno - the message coud be a lot worse if he wanteds kinky stuff pukeface.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Claire DC said:

eek, i dunno - the message coud be a lot worse if he wanteds kinky stuff pukeface.gif


Possibly.....but it would be funnier then it is at present yawn.gif

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