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British transport - Cack or what!


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Im gonna rant about the state of trains in Britain. You pay all that money and more often than not you cant even get a seat its so crowded & dey are always late. The other day, some drunk mongo was falling all over me and being sick on me feet. bleuggghhhhhhh!!! pukeface.gif

Edited by Mankymoo
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I hate trains too!!!


Had to get a train to London on thursday... which was simple enough but then i had to get the tube!!!


It was so scary! I didnt have a clue where to go, or how to use the ticket machines! One bloke even told me i looked scared shitless! laugh.gif


And because its all underground you dont get any signal on your phone so i couldnt even phone my fella to help me cry.gif


Wont be doing that again in a hurry! disappointed.gif


Actually, thinking about it... i had such a wicked time.... maybe i will! hump.gifcuddle.gifbouncy.gif

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London Underground - The Tube - The Central Line.


Sadly died on the 25th January 2003. London Underground are keeping it alive only on a life support machine. However, they still expect you to pay the normal price. Wankers.


More however, I dont and never will.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Whenever you get a rough deal - you should all ring up to complain or write a letter if you can be arsed. Most of the time they yell you to bog off but if ya lucky they'll giv you youre money back!


yeah central line is dead - so are most of the other lines!


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