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It's really hard .. being a Mum


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Saffy said:

Yipeee ... she's packed her bag and is running away !




Not being a parent I aint fully qualified to speak about this ... But I thought ALL teenagers were a pain in the arse? I know me and me sister were!


They will always be testing the ground to see how far they can push their parents and get away with it.


Also cos of hormones n whatnot they all think the world centres around them and rarely take into account the feelings of others?


Obviously this is a generalistion but I hope it helps. It will always get better smile.gif


The other idea is to think the way of dog psychology - The idea of pushing the elders to the limit to see how far they can go before they piss off the boss too much - Like Paula said - I think they need their arses kicking (Maybe not literally - It can be done with a well placed humiliating remark I'm sure wink.gif) to bring em back down to earth again and realise the shite they are causing. I think you have to be the one to show the strength ... That nothing she does to upset you will actually upset you. Its about showing her that you have the more powerful strength of personality


I think I rambled a bit much there ... I hope there is something useful in that pile of babble grin.gif

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... thanks, all of you ... trouble is, suffering a comedown AND pmt aint the best time to deal with teens ..


She came back last night with a flake for moi ! Still sent her to her room tho .. she kept shouting down .. "Mummmmmmmmy, I'm bored" ... " Tough" was my reply !


There's a little bit more to it all than what I've said .. she has something she blackmails me with, so I find it hard to really discipline her ....


Anyways ... a new day and all that ... thanks all ! XX


Am gonna have a truly messy weekend now !

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Hmm .. think I ought to do a MUM diary ...


MrM went out to Blueprint last night .. and, as it's Mr. Morillo ( yum ) tonight, I didn't go, as I didn't wanna wear myself out for him! ;)


So ... I went to bed at a really sensible time with Holly .. and we snuggled down in my bed and read a bit before putting the light out and shouting down to Hannah .. " Don't be too long! "


At around 1.45 am I got up for a wee and heard her downstairs .. actually .. the door to the garage closing was what woke me ...


I shouted: " Five minutes Han!"


She clambered upstairs and said she was ok, was having a good natter with her friend Stacey on MSN ... so I said .. well ok, you don't have to get up too early tomorrow.


The next thing that woke me was the sound of her stumbling up the stairs ... 4 am! ( She had obviously thought she had better get to bed before her Dad got in ) ....


then ............. the familiar sounds of vomiting emanated from the bathroom ...


I just left her to it ... but I can imagine the poor bugger will have a bit of a headache for the Forest V Millwall match today !


he he

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Sounds like my little sister, she is at that stage of answering back and just always being grumpy.


I admire any1 bring up kids, not sure that I'll ever have the patients.


Know that one day she'll probably look back and feel really bad for being arkward. Ever since I came to Uni I really appreciate my mum so much more.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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