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what do you think of people who lie?


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  • CTW Members

...to try and make themselves appear more successful and better than they currently are? and practically everything they spraff on about is completely made up? personally i hate it and i think it's pretty immature.


although lying about some stuff is ok. like saying one of your relatives has just died to get a deadline extension.

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  • CTW DJs
TomD said:

although lying about some stuff is ok. like saying one of your relatives has just died to get a deadline extension.



Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Moderators
TomD said:

...to try and make themselves appear more successful and better than they currently are? and practically everything they spraff on about is completely made up? personally i hate it and i think it's pretty immature.



Personally, i don't have time for liers. Y lie about such things anyway? Liers ALWAYS get found out anyway.


If you have to lie about things to make u look/sound better, then they really have sumthing lacking in the heads.


And yes - its immature.

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  • CTW DJs

theres different degrees of lies imo


theres the bullshitting to get a job kinda lies and then theres the "i'm a superstar dj" when u actually cant mix kinda lies


as long as the lie isnt ne thing more than the truth slightly bent i cant c teh problem


i meen every1 exagerates thier skills from time to time - its only natural to make ur self look good

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Members

because they can and people are gulable so we believe them!


Cant say i've never lied but i only do it 2 get myself out of sticky situations not 2 impress! Its not big. it aint cleaver... but it works thumbs.gificon_smile_blush.gif

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  • CTW Members

LOL Tom!


Spit out whats on ur mind?!?

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  • CTW Members

i know why cant people tell the truth like me? i.e. im a multi billionaire who lives in a place called playboy mansions and sleep with seven different girls a week, all named monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday!! honesty defo best policy!! wots point in telling lies to make urself look good? thumbs.gif to honesty!!

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  • CTW Members

Ahhhh ok.. undecided.gif

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  • CTW Members
TomD said:

...to try and make themselves appear more successful and better than they currently are? and practically everything they spraff on about is completely made up? personally i hate it and i think it's pretty immature.


although lying about some stuff is ok. like saying one of your relatives has just died to get a deadline extension.

I agree, but then you get tossers who don't believe you when you have done a lot of things in your life... I think they are worse... winge.gif

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  • CTW Members

the only lies that are ok are the kinda that are like "well sir, you're neva gonna believe this - well i did the homework last nite but then i left it on my desk where i woz doing it and i 4got 2 pick it up and put it in my bag this morning, honestly!"

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