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Lab4 Interview


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Okay Troopers!


Mananged to HOPEFULLY* get a couple of 1 mins interview with the boyz before and after their set at Sinergy @ club North next friday. Idea being to get a reaction after they play


So question is, wot to ask them? Was thinking of three questions either side. Things that dont require too long an answer. Kinda sorted for after, but wot b4?


Before I was thinking of maybe as a start

1)So having toured world wide and played at tidy, how does it feel going back to play the smaller gigs?


After, sommat like

1)How u think it went?

2)Wot u think of the manchester crowd?

3)Would u play sinergy again?


wot wud you lot ask Lab4?


(*was agreed in principle with all concerned at the time!)

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  • CTW Members

ask em wot they thought of the slammin vinyl crew on 5th april! god i went fuckin mental wen they came on! FOOKIN AVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was couped inbetween loads of people on a huge paranoid when they played!


My only kick in the bollox for missin them that weekend!

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methinks that is totally obvious, however it mught prevent me from entering North again if I do ask them that!

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  • CTW DJs
TomD said:

ask them


why don't they come clean and admit that they don't actually play live and there's just a pc in the background that plays their set. i saw the wave scrolling across on the pc screen on the floor behind them at tidy.



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