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pikey recipe of the day


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Get up outa bed.

Stick on the undies that u have been wearing for the last 4-5 days.

Have toast and ketchup spread for breakfast.

Skip brushing teeth and having a wash.

Phone mate to arrange a meet behind argos.

Meet ya mate.

Walk into Argos.

Admire the fine art of the Elizabeth Duke Jewellry Range.

Gets a gold plated bracelet for a bargain price of £18 and a matching gold plated chain for £9.50.

Go home and tell all family and friends u bought the Jewelry from a well expensive jewelry store £100 for the 2.

Go out with mates - sell the items for a fiver each.


Time to go to the chip shop then the offy.


*pikeys it*

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  • CTW DJs
TomD said:


spread on ketcup

spread on tuna mayo

add slices of cheese

grill until melted

eat snack

put on burberry hat

leave the tower block

steal a car

kill yourself (hopefully)


Reminds me of that song: Pikey's paradise


'Been spending most my life, living in a pikey paradise'


Pikeys round my way don't actually steal the cars, just try to get into them, then when they can't, smash in all the windows so you have to spend hundreds getting them replaced. (Not that I'm bitter).

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