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Furry boots are about as cool as sarps IMO. Discuss


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Scream said:

maria i let you handle that as i don't take part in that area of things!! lol


Al shut it you fool!! lol


I respect your right to that view. BUT NO!! ON WITH THE REVOLUTION!!

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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I was talking to one of my mates in the toilets at the fridge last month about phil reynolds who had just come on the decks and this guy in full cyber just blurted out "yeah but his wife is better!" I thought ok he must be pilled up and fancied a chat so carried it on for a while, then he looked me up and down and said "do you come to these events often?" i was wearing sum weird jeans that look all streaky in uv light and a t shirt.......


i was like what the [censored] is this?? some cunt in full cyber giving me hasstle bout my clothes!!! made me wonder if there was a dress code!!! shrug.gif

If your not wasted, the day is!!

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Tucky said:

CreamyC said:

What a load of rubbish.


i hope your not incinuating my story is a ficticious one

That was aim at another comment. Sorry, my use of the quote icon is somewhat lacking.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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Blink said:

Personally I can't stand try-hards/funkies, and when I went to SS North I was amazed at the number of "clones" in their faded jeans, and off centre bleached mohawks.


same could be said of the huge numbers of cyber "clones" in other clubs. same spiky choker, same uv face dots, same spiky twisted hair and all wearing THAT cyberdog outfit, not forgetting that really random plastic teapot & saucer set or clothes peg that has to shown to EVERYONE in the club


its all swings and roundabouts... just cos people dress like tossers doesn't mean they are, cyber or whatever - its all good.


birds in fluffy boots are okay cos they usually wear hotpants with it heartbeat.gif butwhatever you can't beat a bird with a mullet and a sweatband inlove.gif lol


i have 104 friends

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wonger said:

fluffy boots= 2 sheep stuck to your legs.. No thanks !!!!



lol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.gif quality remark thumbs.gifi like ur style of puttin ur point across bigsmile.gif

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CreamyC said:

birds in fluffy boots are okay




Blokes in fluffy boots - wankers.


lol you gotta them give 'some' credit for having the balls (or probably love of balls) to wear them. especially if they took public transport to get to the club.


i have 104 friends

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oddball said:

lol you gotta them give 'some' credit for having the balls (or probably love of balls) to wear them. especially if they took public transport to get to the club.



more fool them...........the humiliation alone wud put me off wearing pieces of dirty smelly fluff on my feet icon_smile_blush.gif

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I think cyber has become a lot more original lately as there are more cyber clothing places around so not everyone is wandering round in Cyberdog.


If u go out to a cheesy club all the blokes will be in shirts smart shoes and all the girls will be in the latest fashions from topshop. They look just as much the same as a load of cybers in fluffy boots.


I love wearing cyber (sorry Blink but its always gonna be known as cyber even if it really isn't). I don't care if people take the piss, just think its a bit pathetic on their part that they are so bothered about wat I'm wearing.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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theres a lot more shops out there that sell cyber than jst cyber dog. any1 out there who lives in or around manchester will know the wonders of afflex palace.


and if all cybers look the same? how the [censored] do i fit in as there are only 3 pairs of my pants in the world. it is possible 2 b completely original and still were full cyber - u jst need 2 b creative!


and at the end of the day each 2 their own - if u wanna wear cyber than go cyber - if u dont then dont wear it! simple!

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raverbaby69 said:

and at the end of the day each 2 their own - if u wanna wear cyber than go cyber - if u dont then dont wear it! simple!


well said that girl!!

afflecks palace is a wonderful place - u cant seriously tell me that 'strawberri peach' isn't original!


each to their own! clubs & raves without cyber gear would luk borin.as long as people are original in what they wear then i dont see the problem. some of you have seen a picture of me @ slammin in my furry boots - i didnt really want to wear them before we went but i did and i would have felt out of place in trakkies or jeans!

so ther you go!

and as for rave dummies - i agree with baby_rabit! they keep you well occupied - i took herz to slammin!


hardcore raver baby rhi!


Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

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Whats this ? An anti cyber forum ???



Most the time i go in cyber but i don't stand there and take the piss out of someone for dressing in "normal" clothes. Take a look through the pix on this site ? Oh look loads of cyber ! !


Wear what the fook you like , just enjoy yourselves icon_yippee.gif

Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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