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Furry boots are about as cool as sarps IMO. Discuss


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Maria said:

Just reading thru this post again.


Its a shame that, n omatter how ppl dress to go clubbing, some ppl have a problem with it.


As Neon more or less pointed out. Clubbing isnt all about what you wear, its about enjoying yrself.


I hate critisizing bastards!


Shut up Maria with your rubbish talk, I know you dont actually say this really so stop lying.


Cybers fun.



































To take the piss out of.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Maria said:

Capn_Jack said:

People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.


Blatantly mate!


But at the end of the day ppl do take offence by their personal opinions!!


So ?


Surely they should take it and it ignore. The problem these days is far too many people take offence to what others say.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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raver_baby said:

raverbaby69 said:

and at the end of the day each 2 their own - if u wanna wear cyber than go cyber - if u dont then dont wear it! simple!


well said that girl!!

afflecks palace is a wonderful place - u cant seriously tell me that 'strawberri peach' isn't original!


each to their own! clubs & raves without cyber gear would luk borin.as long as people are original in what they wear then i dont see the problem. some of you have seen a picture of me @ slammin in my furry boots - i didnt really want to wear them before we went but i did and i would have felt out of place in trakkies or jeans!

so ther you go!

and as for rave dummies - i agree with baby_rabit! they keep you well occupied - i took herz to slammin!



rhi u sed 2 me dat u wanted 2 wear trackiez 2 tha next rave?? confused.gif

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baby_rabit said:

raver_baby said:

raverbaby69 said:

and at the end of the day each 2 their own - if u wanna wear cyber than go cyber - if u dont then dont wear it! simple!


well said that girl!!

afflecks palace is a wonderful place - u cant seriously tell me that 'strawberri peach' isn't original!


each to their own! clubs & raves without cyber gear would luk borin.as long as people are original in what they wear then i dont see the problem. some of you have seen a picture of me @ slammin in my furry boots - i didnt really want to wear them before we went but i did and i would have felt out of place in trakkies or jeans!

so ther you go!

and as for rave dummies - i agree with baby_rabit! they keep you well occupied - i took herz to slammin!



rhi u sed 2 me dat u wanted 2 wear trackiez 2 tha next rave?? confused.gif



yeh i know but ive thought bout dat... i dont no more! baby.gif

hardcore raver baby rhi!


Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

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CreamyC said:

Maria said:

Capn_Jack said:

People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.


Blatantly mate!


But at the end of the day ppl do take offence by their personal opinions!!


So ?


Surely they should take it and it ignore. The problem these days is far too many people take offence to what others say.


thumbs.gif to that!! spot on mate!

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wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony
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spanner said:

wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony




however i think chicken outfits wud b the best! so every1 cud b mad chickens but they wud all hav 2 do sum mad ass dancing! heva remember its MC EZE feat. the mad ass chicken dancer!

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raverbaby69 said:

spanner said:

wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony




however i think chicken outfits wud b the best! so every1 cud b mad chickens but they wud all hav 2 do sum mad ass dancing! heva remember its MC EZE feat. the mad ass chicken dancer!


how cud i 4get itz my dream emma!! bouncy.gif

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baby_rabit said:

raverbaby69 said:

spanner said:

wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony




however i think chicken outfits wud b the best! so every1 cud b mad chickens but they wud all hav 2 do sum mad ass dancing! heva remember its MC EZE feat. the mad ass chicken dancer!


how cud i 4get itz my dream emma!! bouncy.gif


i dont know but heva - wen u bcum the mad ass chicken dancer there will b chickens everywhere!

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raverbaby69 said:

baby_rabit said:

raverbaby69 said:

spanner said:

wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony




however i think chicken outfits wud b the best! so every1 cud b mad chickens but they wud all hav 2 do sum mad ass dancing! heva remember its MC EZE feat. the mad ass chicken dancer!


how cud i 4get itz my dream emma!! bouncy.gif


i dont know but heva - wen u bcum the mad ass chicken dancer there will b chickens everywhere!


der betta had b i will make them a national symbol i might even get them on tha flag????

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baby_rabit said:

raverbaby69 said:

baby_rabit said:

raverbaby69 said:

spanner said:

wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony




however i think chicken outfits wud b the best! so every1 cud b mad chickens but they wud all hav 2 do sum mad ass dancing! heva remember its MC EZE feat. the mad ass chicken dancer!


how cud i 4get itz my dream emma!! bouncy.gif


i dont know but heva - wen u bcum the mad ass chicken dancer there will b chickens everywhere!


der betta had b i will make them a national symbol i might even get them on tha flag????


please do and we can hav huge ones at each side of the stage! and remember the cards we gotta hand out - well one side can b promoting MC EZE and the other side can b promoting the mad ass chicken dancer! altho we cant perform newhere without each other - it jst wudnt hav the same effect! icon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gif

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raverbaby69 said:

baby_rabit said:

raverbaby69 said:

baby_rabit said:

raverbaby69 said:

spanner said:

wub_wub said:

If everyone dressed the same in a club, it would be a very boring place to be.

it would be awesome if everyone one in the club was dressed the same.Imaging everyone dressed in monkey outfits or as sheep..think irony




however i think chicken outfits wud b the best! so every1 cud b mad chickens but they wud all hav 2 do sum mad ass dancing! heva remember its MC EZE feat. the mad ass chicken dancer!


how cud i 4get itz my dream emma!! bouncy.gif


i dont know but heva - wen u bcum the mad ass chicken dancer there will b chickens everywhere!


der betta had b i will make them a national symbol i might even get them on tha flag????


please do and we can hav huge ones at each side of the stage! and remember the cards we gotta hand out - well one side can b promoting MC EZE and the other side can b promoting the mad ass chicken dancer! altho we cant perform newhere without each other - it jst wudnt hav the same effect! icon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gificon_yippee.gif


wiked ye dat wud b amazin!!! hahaha im really xcited bout it now i fink itz time 4 a spliff.gif

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Blokes in fluffy boots - wankers.


And why do you call them wankers, this should be good to hear, simply cos they wear fury boots!


Dont really think that gives you the right to call them wankers, just cos we wanna be different, you lot and ur ben shermans etc!. Have some fun in ur life... go cyber, you will prob enjoy it! Especially if your wearing hot pants and furry boots, keep your legs cool! I love cyber.






Lifes mission... get wasted, have a good time, avoid work as much as possible!

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nod.gifthumbs.gif aint nothing wrong with fluffy boots people!! its what u wear with em that counts!! angel.gif




msn/email: huggablepeach@hotmail.com

live like you'll never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no one is watching


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