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Running from the Cops

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SexxiBunni said:

Ever been chased by the cops, high speed chase.


If so what happened, did u get caught or did u get away.



this says 2 me u've bin speeding away from dibble scratchchin.gif


come on.......confess

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My mate who'd had one shandy too many had the police pull out of a parking area to follow him. So he took the opportunity to boot it, he got away, miles ahead of the police then ran out of petrol. The police caught up with him, they didn't nick him for speeding, but they did breathalise him. 1 year ban and £150 fine, brought him to the decision that drinking and driving doesn't really pay.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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If I had I wouldn't have gotten 2 speeding tickets. I know its not a lot but it fuckin' sucks anyway. No, I wouldn't even try that [censored], I'd get caught and put away, not worth it. There's too many cops out there.

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