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yes another one:


Full Name:



Favourite Club:

favourite DJ:

Favourite promoter:

Favourite Pub:

What car do you drive:

Married/Single/With someone:

Partners name:

Favourite position:

Best friends name:

Favourite food:

Can you cook:

Favourite drink:

Alcohol or drugs:

What newspaper do you read:

Favourite programme:

Favourite film:

What makes you cry:

Favourite colour:

Favourite outfit:

Quick temper or plac!d:

Longest time stayed out clubing:

Best holiday/why:

Favourite place:

Bullied at school:


What yer mam calls yer when she's angry:

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Full Name: Kevin Coxall

DOB: 16/12/78

From: Essex

Favourite Club: Time & Envy

favourite DJ: MC Neat

Favourite promoter: Me

Favourite Pub: The Cock in a Shoe

What car do you drive: Ford Escort XR3i

Married/Single/With someone: Shagging all the Essex birdages

Partners name: Tina, Bet, Shazz, Tracey, Hayley, Katy, Lucy, Kira ... erm ...

Favourite position: Central Midfield

Best friends name: Harold

Favourite food: Fish

Can you cook: Can I [censored]. (birds job)

Favourite drink: Lemonade and Coke

Alcohol or drugs: Ketamine (random tosser)

What newspaper do you read: The Loop

Favourite programme: Essex Girls

Favourite film: The Thief

What makes you cry: Having my bollox squeezed

Favourite colour: Black

Favourite outfit: Ben Sherman and Burberry

Quick temper or plac!d: Hard as [censored]

Longest time stayed out clubing: 4 days (hardcore)

Best holiday/why: Tenerife (30 shags in one week)

Favourite place: Time & Envy

Bullied at school: Yes, I was a fat cunt with a pointed nose

Nickname: Cunt

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: Cunt

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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colin66 said:

yes another one:


Full Name: Nitadevi Vallabhbai Patel, soon to be Nitadevi Vallabhbhai Patel Rice

DOB: 23/11/1976

From: Born in Leicester, Grew up in West Bromwich, Live In Cardiff

Favourite Club: Clwb Ifor Bach

favourite DJ: Don't really have one

Favourite promoter: Huh?

Favourite Pub: Bar dahling bar.....Metropolis in Cardiff

What car do you drive: Ford Fiesta zetec

Married/Single/With someone: Soon to be spliced

Partners name: Chris

Favourite position: On a chair

Best friends name: Aquila

Favourite food: Red thai curry

Can you cook: yes very well thank you

Favourite drink: vodka red bull yay!

Alcohol or drugs: both

What newspaper do you read: the sun, classy gal me

Favourite programme: eastenders

Favourite film: empire strikes back

What makes you cry: um, nothing much except for the soppy stuff

Favourite colour: blue

Favourite outfit: don't have one

Quick temper or plac!d: not placid, just laid back

Longest time stayed out clubing: about 13 hours

Best holiday/why: paris, got engaged

Favourite place: my car

Bullied at school: nope

Nickname: neet!

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry:

she's never angry at me *flutters eyelashes*
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Full Name: Simon Patrick Callaghan (woohoo my middle name was named after a saint )



Favourite Club: Don't get to go out much sadly but even having been there once for a VERy short time i'd say Storm in coalville

favourite DJ: Paul Maddox

Favourite promoter: no idea

Favourite Pub: The Queen

What car do you drive: The ones on Gran Turismo 3 grin.gif

Married/Single/With someone: Single

Partners name:

Favourite position: Don't have one, any and all grin.gif

Best friends name: Rob

Favourite food: Cheese and Bacon toasties

Can you cook: Not a chance

Favourite drink: stella or anything bacardi or vodka based

Alcohol or drugs: Alcohol, don't take drugs angel.gif

What newspaper do you read: Leicester Merc occasionally for the jobs

Favourite programme: Red Dwarf

Favourite film: American werewolf in London

What makes you cry: lonliness

Favourite colour: Deep red

Favourite outfit: Birthday suit wink.gif

Quick temper or plac!d: Bit of both really

Longest time stayed out clubing: errr think it was about 10 hours first time i ever went out to a hard dance night

Best holiday/why: Not been on holiday for years

Favourite place: my bed

Bullied at school: Severley

Nickname: Chachaver (Don't ask)

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: Nothing anymore, but it used to be sonny jim

you need me i'm magic E, hehe

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Full Name: Louise Bromilow


From:whaley bridge, derbyshire

Favourite Club: emporium, coalville

Favourite DJ: Scott Brown

Favourite promoter: Asa!

Favourite Pub: The Goyt

What car do you drive: Peugeot 106

Married/Single/With someone: happily married

Partners name: Asa

Favourite position: 69!

Best friends name: Zara

Favourite food: toast with vinegar

Can you cook: christ no

Favourite drink: stella

Alcohol or drugs: both please

What newspaper do you read: mirror

Favourite programme: friends

Favourite film: wedding singer

What makes you cry: anything

Favourite colour: bright pink

Favourite outfit: baggy trousers and jumper for schloomping in

Quick temper or placid: depends what time of the month it is

Longest time stayed out clubing: thurs night til sunday afternoon

Best holiday/why: tenerife with friends-I've never been so drunk in my life

Favourite place: bed

Bullied at school: hmmm...kinda, kids can be so jealous

Nickname: lou lou or boo to my family

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: LOUISE BROMILOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

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Full Name: Saira Herbert

DOB: 04.03.1983

From: Birmingham

Favourite Club: Shaft

favourite DJ: Mark H

Favourite promoter: Mark H wink.gif

Favourite Pub: dont go to pubs

What car do you drive: dont drive

Married/Single/With someone: With someone

Partners name: Mark

Favourite position: havnt got one

Best friends name: mark is my best friend. Female best friend is Emma tho

Favourite food: Ill eat most things

Can you cook: Yup

Favourite drink: vodka n orange, dry white wine or archers n lemonade depending on what mood im in

Alcohol or drugs: Depends what mood im in

What newspaper do you read: whatevers around

Favourite programme: dont really watch much telly

Favourite film: hmm...dunno, theres a few i like but i havnt got a fav

What makes you cry: sad things. and onions

Favourite colour: depends what its for. at the mo tho probably pink

Favourite outfit: probably my army combats at the mo and my dkny top

Quick temper or plac!d: very quick tempered

Longest time stayed out clubing: lol - probably about 6 days

Best holiday/why: florida - lotsa reasons

Favourite place: my bed

Bullied at school: nope

Nickname: havnt really got one. bf calls me the usual, hunni, babe n baby g

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: lol - lotsa things!

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Full Name:- Maria Christine Lewis.

DOB: - 12th April 1981.

From: - Wales.

Favourite Club: - SSN.

favourite DJ: - Paul Glazby.

Favourite promoter: - Duno realy.

Favourite Pub: - Dont have one.

What car do you drive: - Don't have one, yet.

Married/Single/With someone: - With sumone.

Partners name: James.

Favourite position: - Squat.

Best friends name: - Donna

Favourite food: - spag ball

Can you cook: - Yes.

Favourite drink: - WDK.

Alcohol or drugs: - Both.

What newspaper do you read: - The Sun.

Favourite programme: - Gime Gime Gime.

Favourite film: - True Romance.

What makes you cry: - Violence.

Favourite colour: - Red, Whit and Blue.

Favourite outfit: - Dont have one.

Quick temper or plac!d: - Quick Temper.

Longest time stayed out clubing: - TW.

Best holiday/why: - Lanzarotte. Coz it was fun.

Favourite place: - Bed.

Bullied at school: - Yes.

Nickname: - Moira.

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: - Bitch.

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Full Name:theresa margaret catherine shilcock



Favourite Club: ss hq

favourite DJ: glazby

Favourite promoter: dunno

Favourite Pub: the newt (in cov)

What car do you drive: peugeot 106

Married/Single/With someone: with someone

Partners name: sean

Favourite position: on top starin into his eyes,when i want it hard,doggy lol!

Best friends name: sally

Favourite food: i like most things,prob chinese(beef charmain)

Can you cook: some things, in the cooker or microwave lol

Favourite drink: a nice pint of stella,bailey's if im bein feminine

Alcohol or drugs: both

What newspaper do you read: the sun

Favourite programme: bad girls

Favourite film: austin powers

What makes you cry: seein violence or child abuse

Favourite colour: pink n purple

Favourite outfit: black cat suit

Quick temper or plac!d: in between,takes a lot 2 wind me up

Longest time stayed out clubing: from thurs til sun nite

Best holiday/why: gran canaria,cos i was pissed for the whole week

Favourite place: in the sunshine

Bullied at school: yes, little bitches

Nickname:t, tweeza,thrapesa,milky moose

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: she doesnt really get angry with me anymore,n if she does i get the silent treatment,not shouted at!



I wanna snort cocaine on the breakfast tray...
I wanna get twisted.
Do u fuk as well as u dance???

msn shuffle69shuffle@hotmail.com

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Full Name: Simon Emanuel Raine (not the porn star spelling ill add) laugh.gif

DOB: 19/12/1981

From: Essex - cannot believe kev admitted it too!

Favourite Club: Evolution

favourite DJ: Rob Tissera

Favourite promoter: SarahPVC (suckup hehe)


What car do you drive: Clio Chipped

Married/Single/With someone: No Comment scratchchin.gif

Partners name: as above

Favourite position: Managing Director laugh.gif

Best friends name: Reflection lol.gif

Favourite food: McDonalds!

Can you cook: Damn Well

Favourite drink: Aftershock / GoldSchlage

Alcohol or drugs: Both regularly

What newspaper do you read: Dont be stupid!

Favourite programme: Eastenders!

Favourite film: Human Traffic

What makes you cry: Running out of Charlie

Favourite colour: The ones i see when trashed

Favourite outfit: Birthday Suit.

Quick temper or plac!d: Quick

Longest time stayed out clubing: Tidy Weekender + 1 more day

Best holiday/why: Ibiza this summer (its gonna be so good im in the future)

Favourite place: Sundissential North

Bullied at school: Yup

Nickname: Twat

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: [censored] knows i dont listen


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Clubbing_Si said:

Full Name: Simon Emanuel Raine (not the porn star spelling ill add) laugh.gif

DOB: 19/12/1981

From: Essex - cannot believe kev admitted it too!

Favourite Club: Evolution

favourite DJ: Rob Tissera

Favourite promoter: SarahPVC (suckup hehe)


What car do you drive: Clio Chipped

Married/Single/With someone: No Comment scratchchin.gif

Partners name: as above

Favourite position: Managing Director laugh.gif

Best friends name: Reflection lol.gif

Favourite food: McDonalds!

Can you cook: Damn Well

Favourite drink: Aftershock / GoldSchlage

Alcohol or drugs: Both regularly

What newspaper do you read: Dont be stupid!

Favourite programme: Eastenders!

Favourite film: Human Traffic

What makes you cry: Running out of Charlie

Favourite colour: The ones i see when trashed

Favourite outfit: Birthday Suit.

Quick temper or plac!d: Quick

Longest time stayed out clubing: Tidy Weekender + 1 more day

Best holiday/why: Ibiza this summer (its gonna be so good im in the future)

Favourite place: Sundissential North

Bullied at school: Yup

Nickname: Twat

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: [censored] knows i dont listen


hahahhaah si yr so ace dude!!



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Full Name: Edward Michael Cobley

DOB: 22 October 1979

From: Harpenden, Herts, UK

Favourite Club: The Cross

Favourite DJ: Luke Neville

Favourite promoter: Serious

Favourite Pub: Erm.... The George

What car do you drive: Can't drive, have a BMX

Married/Single/With someone: Single

Partners name: n/a

Favourite position: Her on top!

Best friends name: Martin

Favourite food: Anything Spicy, Indian, Italian

Can you cook: Yes, very well

Favourite drink: Tea

Alcohol or drugs: Drugs

What newspaper do you read: Occasionally The Sun, but just to look at the pics.

Favourite programme: The Simpsons

Favourite film: The Empire Strikes Back, or The Goonies

What makes you cry: Being hurt

Favourite colour: Yellow

Favourite outfit: Black fitted T, Black Casual Pants, Zip up top, funky trainers.

Quick temper or placid: Placid

Longest time stayed out clubbing: 42hrs

Best holiday/why: Ibiza last year, fantastic nites, fantastic people.

Favourite place: In my bed, preferably with someone else.

Bullied at school: No

Nickname: erm... Ed

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: EDWARD!!!

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Full Name: Jodie Alexandra Schulman


From:Sunny sexy riany leeds

Favourite Club: Glasshouse

favourite DJ: Shan

Favourite promoter: dunno

Favourite Pub: Fibre

What car do you drive: I can't drive cry.gif

Married/Single/With someone: Single

Partners name: No excisted

Favourite position: in bed

Best friends name: Richard

Favourite food: Rice

Can you cook: yes

Favourite drink: Vodka Ribena

Alcohol or drugs: both

What newspaper do you read: Local one

Favourite programme: Holloakes

Favourite film: Minorty Report

What makes you cry: Being upset

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite outfit: My Jungle trousers

Quick temper or plac!d: quick temper

Longest time stayed out clubing: 3 days

Best holiday/why: Israel, cause it's my fav place

Favourite place: Were i lived in Israel, best fookin views you can get

Bullied at school: kinda


What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: Little bitch


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Maria said:

Clubbing_Si said:

Full Name: Simon Emanuel Raine (not the porn star spelling ill add) laugh.gif

DOB: 19/12/1981

From: Essex - cannot believe kev admitted it too!

Favourite Club: Evolution

favourite DJ: Rob Tissera

Favourite promoter: SarahPVC (suckup hehe)


What car do you drive: Clio Chipped

Married/Single/With someone: No Comment scratchchin.gif

Partners name: as above

Favourite position: Managing Director laugh.gif

Best friends name: Reflection lol.gif

Favourite food: McDonalds!

Can you cook: Damn Well

Favourite drink: Aftershock / GoldSchlage

Alcohol or drugs: Both regularly

What newspaper do you read: Dont be stupid!

Favourite programme: Eastenders!

Favourite film: Human Traffic

What makes you cry: Running out of Charlie

Favourite colour: The ones i see when trashed

Favourite outfit: Birthday Suit.

Quick temper or plac!d: Quick

Longest time stayed out clubing: Tidy Weekender + 1 more day

Best holiday/why: Ibiza this summer (its gonna be so good im in the future)

Favourite place: Sundissential North

Bullied at school: Yup

Nickname: Twat

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: [censored] knows i dont listen


hahahhaah si yr so ace dude!!




u and me both hun! beerchug.gif

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Clubbing_Si said:

Maria said:

Clubbing_Si said:

Full Name: Simon Emanuel Raine (not the porn star spelling ill add) laugh.gif

DOB: 19/12/1981

From: Essex - cannot believe kev admitted it too!

Favourite Club: Evolution

favourite DJ: Rob Tissera

Favourite promoter: SarahPVC (suckup hehe)


What car do you drive: Clio Chipped

Married/Single/With someone: No Comment scratchchin.gif

Partners name: as above

Favourite position: Managing Director laugh.gif

Best friends name: Reflection lol.gif

Favourite food: McDonalds!

Can you cook: Damn Well

Favourite drink: Aftershock / GoldSchlage

Alcohol or drugs: Both regularly

What newspaper do you read: Dont be stupid!

Favourite programme: Eastenders!

Favourite film: Human Traffic

What makes you cry: Running out of Charlie

Favourite colour: The ones i see when trashed

Favourite outfit: Birthday Suit.

Quick temper or plac!d: Quick

Longest time stayed out clubing: Tidy Weekender + 1 more day

Best holiday/why: Ibiza this summer (its gonna be so good im in the future)

Favourite place: Sundissential North

Bullied at school: Yup

Nickname: Twat

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: [censored] knows i dont listen


hahahhaah si yr so ace dude!!




u and me both hun! beerchug.gif




fadge badge.

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Full Name: Zosia Clare Rutkowski

DOB: Halloween of 84 angel.gif

From: Northwich

Favourite Club: Ss North thumbs.gif

favourite DJ: At the mo Andy Whitby

Favourite promoter: Get back to me on that!

Favourite Pub: Kingfisher!

What car do you drive: New Mini flipa.gif

Married/Single/With someone: Playin the field wink.gif

Partners name: Now that wud be tellin! eviltongue.gif

Favourite position: Theres a few favourites! shhh.gif

Best friends name: Chell sat on a rock!

Favourite food: Chicken!

Can you cook: Yes!! bigsmile.gif

Favourite drink: Cranberry juice

Alcohol or drugs: Both but not together!

What newspaper do you read: Local and Mail on Sunday

Favourite programme: Sex and the City

Favourite film: Legally Blonde

What makes you cry: Sad films

Favourite colour: Pink

Favourite outfit: My diesel skirt and knee high boots!

Quick temper or plac!d: Very quick temper!

Longest time stayed out clubing: Erm friday till monday evening!

Best holiday/why: Bahamas, coz i swam with dolphins!

Favourite place: Anywhere with my mates!

Bullied at school: Primary but not high school!

Nickname: Zo, Zoshy.

What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: ZOSIA!

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