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How important are looks!

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I think looks are important when u first meet someone. When you're friends with somebody and they're not the greatest looking but you get to know them and love they're personality they appear better looking right??? I was friends with this guy for a long time and I never thought of him in that way, he was o.k looking. Then one day we fooled around and we started dating and he became more attractive to me.


What r your thoughts on this? Agree/disagree

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you get 'used' to looks, far more important that the personalities blend and excite the relationship ! Always fresh then !

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Theres a helluva lot more to a relationsship than looks, however good lucks and amazing personality = perfect relationship material! smile.gif Anybody that says looks aren't important is lying, I don't think I could stay in a relationship where I woke up in the morning and thought 'OMG what is THAT lying next to me?!'

Edited by PeteToast

"I wanna be a mother fucking hustler!"


DJing: 21/01/03 @ Pure Filth, Manchester, 14th February 2004 @ Toast Manchester

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PeteToast said:

Theres a helluva lot more to a relationsship than looks, however good lucks and amazing personality = perfect relationship material! smile.gif Anybody that says looks aren't important is lying, I don't think I could stay in a relationship where I woke up in the morning and thought 'OMG what is THAT lying next to me?!'





with ya 100%

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Blink said:

I agree totally, you basically "brain-wash" yourself into thinking they are cute.


Isn't love a wonderful thing luvu.gifluvu.gifluvu.gifinlove.gif


I wouldn't say you brain-wash yourself, it's more like their personality just adds to the looks and just pushes their attractiveness in your eyes up.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!

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James said:



you get 'used' to looks, far more important that the personalities blend and excite the relationship ! Always fresh then !


Very true, but u dont want to banging an Ox do u!

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Oi Si.... a shags a shag at the end of the day! lol.gif

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Looks are VERY important! hump.gifgrin.gif


Altho sometimes the more you get to know someone, the more they grow on you.

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Looks are of course important and its generally ugly or fat people that they are not, we all know fat people generally have the best personality.


And a shag is not a shag if shes a big fat munter! but at least she will say thank you bouncy.gif

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SexxiBunni said:

I think looks are important when u first meet someone. When you're friends with somebody and they're not the greatest looking but you get to know them and love they're personality they appear better looking right??? I was friends with this guy for a long time and I never thought of him in that way, he was o.k looking. Then one day we fooled around and we started dating and he became more attractive to me.


What r your thoughts on this? Agree/disagree


James is living proof that looks dont matter. He has a bird.


But then what the [censored] is it about him ?

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