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why did u choose your board name

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I was watching an episode of the Simpsons at the time, it was the one where Homer runs over an aligator in Florida, the aligator was a mascot called Cap'n Jack. It saved me from having to think up a name.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Capn_Jack said:

I was watching an episode of the Simposons at the time, it was the one where Homer runs over an aligator in Florida, the aligator was a mascot called Cap'n Jack. It saved me from having to think up a name.





mines Clubbing_Si for fairly obvious reasons i think scratchchin.gif

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dani is my name and the babyboo part came from a mate a long time ago when he was a bit worse for wear and watching the film babys day out, in it the nanny reads a book to the baby and the baby in the book is called boo so my mate texed me calling me babyboo, since then its stuck as a nickname.

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Well i use this name on a few other boards aswell, basically when i first got into hard house/hard trance Tidy trax was all i knew about and it was their insomnia CD that was the first hard house i heard. Loved em ever since. But now it's not so much the music they put out, more the atmosphere around the label

you need me i'm magic E, hehe

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i was joining a forum a few years ago think it was worship your weekend of summit, and i was (well still am sometimes) cyber at the time and my name is leigh and lilly sounded like leigh-leigh. so thats it, cyberlilly! i concidered changing it but ppl get to know you by a certain name dont they

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cuddle.gif Its similar to my real name, and what my mates call me anyway!! beerchug.gif





msn/email: huggablepeach@hotmail.com

live like you'll never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no one is watching


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i'm 1 half of toxic twins, and my 1st name is david(which i h8 angryfire.gif) so shorted it 2 dave 2 become toxic dave thumbs.gif

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James I can't believe u took the time to find that thread from over a year ago. Nice one! thumbs.gif

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Mine was nickname from school that has stuck with some of my mates so used that

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Claire DC said:

i wanted a dj name (containing my actual name tho) and couldnt really see me usin my old board name which was Claire Messy so asked a mate to think of me a name and he said "Claire DC" and i thought it sounded catchy but didnt know where the DC had come from so i asked him and he said "Deep Cleavage" icon_smile_blush.gifshrug.gif


Or deep cunt!! laugh.gif


mines just my dj name

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