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Worst ever wedding

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my cousins wedding in manc yesterday proper bad, the serveice last 5 mins whn i got there i was told they didnt need me as a bridemaid cause there using her mates instead and im first cousin, then they over crowed the room at the party, had a pooey quiz and rubbish dj , and ran out of alchol after an hour and my baby cousin puked on my new outfit

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AngelJodie said:

my cousins wedding in manc yesterday proper bad, the serveice last 5 mins whn i got there i was told they didnt need me as a bridemaid cause there using her mates instead and im first cousin, then they over crowed the room at the party, had a pooey quiz and rubbish dj , and ran out of alchol after an hour and my baby cousin puked on my new outfit

eek.. not good mate grumpy.gif

One Day I woke Up, And I Realised That My Mind Wasn't Mine Anymore!

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CreamyC said:

What a quality wedding. Remind me never to get married.


undecided.gif yeah honey, just thank your lucky stars u werent the one getting hitched!!! star.gif



msn/email: huggablepeach@hotmail.com

live like you'll never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no one is watching


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Last wedding I went to (well, reception anyway), the grooms brother (who I knew years ago) took exception to me for no other reason than he was a shallow-minded twat. He was going to deck me, for no reason whatsoever. After there, I went into town and had a twisted time dancing frustration away.


The wedding before that, the bride got off with somebody else outside, and the grooms brother put his hand through a window.


Glad that I'm never gonna get married!

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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