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FAO: Wildchild People

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Geordie_becky said:

would have been nice if everone who wanted to come could have for everyone to have witnessed how good it was



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mr happy said

will if i'm honnest i really didnt like witbys set 1 bit






Is there anything you do like??


INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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It was an amazing nite, thanks to Shen, Steve and Moo for convincing me to come!


Haven't danced that much in awhile, don't think I sat down for more than an half an hour the whole night. Which is very unlike me. The music was excellent!


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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SarahPvc said:



mr happy said

will if i'm honnest i really didnt like witbys set 1 bit



Is there anything you do like??




yeah - i like ppl that dont have a go @ me just cuz i said i didnt like 1 particular persons style


if u read back i never said he played badly nore did i say he was [censored]. just said wasnt to me taste


and maybe if some of u lot actually came to the odd event i suggested u might actually witness sumthin i like rather than complaining there there is never enuf HARD house in ur house house clubs rolleyes.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Mr_Happy said:

SarahPvc said:



mr happy said

will if i'm honnest i really didnt like witbys set 1 bit



Is there anything you do like??




yeah - i like ppl that dont have a go @ me just cuz i said i didnt like 1 particular persons style


if u read back i never said he played badly nore did i say he was [censored]. just said wasnt to me taste


and maybe if some of u lot actually came to the odd event i suggested u might actually witness sumthin i like rather than complaining there there is never enuf HARD house in ur house house clubs rolleyes.gif


yeah but people might not come to the events u suggest because they are not into that type of music, if u dont like a certain thing surely u just dont go, therefore even if u dont like that music i dont think it was fair to say u didnt like the set, the set was good even if not your taste (and i know u said he didnt play badly).


smile!!!!! grin.gif

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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Geordie_becky said:

Mr_Happy said:

SarahPvc said:



mr happy said

will if i'm honnest i really didnt like witbys set 1 bit



Is there anything you do like??




yeah - i like ppl that dont have a go @ me just cuz i said i didnt like 1 particular persons style


if u read back i never said he played badly nore did i say he was [censored]. just said wasnt to me taste


and maybe if some of u lot actually came to the odd event i suggested u might actually witness sumthin i like rather than complaining there there is never enuf HARD house in ur house house clubs rolleyes.gif


yeah but people might not come to the events u suggest because they are not into that type of music, if u dont like a certain thing surely u just dont go, therefore even if u dont like that music i dont think it was fair to say u didnt like the set, the set was good even if not your taste (and i know u said he didnt play badly).


smile!!!!! grin.gif


i could understand that if i suggested a techno night - but when i suggested superfish no1 showed ne interest and then james complains @ tidy wkder that theres no club nights that play lots of tinrib stuff angryfire.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Mr_Happy said:

Geordie_becky said:

Mr_Happy said:

SarahPvc said:



mr happy said

will if i'm honnest i really didnt like witbys set 1 bit



Is there anything you do like??




yeah - i like ppl that dont have a go @ me just cuz i said i didnt like 1 particular persons style


if u read back i never said he played badly nore did i say he was [censored]. just said wasnt to me taste


and maybe if some of u lot actually came to the odd event i suggested u might actually witness sumthin i like rather than complaining there there is never enuf HARD house in ur house house clubs rolleyes.gif


yeah but people might not come to the events u suggest because they are not into that type of music, if u dont like a certain thing surely u just dont go, therefore even if u dont like that music i dont think it was fair to say u didnt like the set, the set was good even if not your taste (and i know u said he didnt play badly).


smile!!!!! grin.gif


i could understand that if i suggested a techno night - but when i suggested superfish no1 showed ne interest and then james complains @ tidy wkder that theres no club nights that play lots of tinrib stuff angryfire.gif


oh well just let everyone do what they want and then everyones happy grin.gif

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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the way i c it (and granted i'm not in the best of moods @ the mo after having the bank ring me up telling me i owe em more money than i have months to pay em off) ctw is letting me down as i'm always makeing an effort 2 c every1 but only a handfull of u lot return the favour

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Please, stop bitching!


Everyone else manages!

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Mr_Happy said:

Maria said:

Mr_Happy said:

James said:

Everyone had the same feelings last night - everyone without exception agreed that the music was AMAZING


i'm the exception - bar glazbys set (OMG i cant believe how fukin good it was or how fukin mental i danced eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif)



IMHO Glazbys set was [censored] compared to the sets i have seen him play.


I thought whitby was better.


will if i'm honnest i really didnt like witbys set 1 bit


technically speeking i cant critasise him, but he music style was the sorta style i like my hardhouse


doesnt meen i would call his set [censored] tho so i dont think u can comment on glazbys set like that shame.gif


Gold Star once again for Mr Happy making this a laughable post. Tell me, is there anything you do like ??

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Gold Star once again for Mr Happy making this a laughable post. Tell me, is there anything you do like ??



Bookings contact Lisa @ Nukleuz on 02077207320


  • 5th @ Ingo's Studio
  • 13th @ Serge's Studio (Fevah)
  • 20th @ Frantic Vs. Wildchild, London
  • 24th @ Sessions, Leeds
  • 26th @ Incision, Leeds
  • 27th @ Addiction, Manc
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WILDCHILD WAS FOOKIN BRILLIANT! I have only just got back to southsea after the most brilliant weekend of my life,i carried on partying until 1.30am monday morning ( I hadnt slept since earlty sat morn!)when i kida passed out!!

A huge big thank-you to all our dancers you did a fantastic job. Tara you poor thing 1st you had your wand nicked then your pompom was brutally savaged,ill have to get you another set of pompoms,i know how much you were attached!

All the Djs were fookin brilliant heartbeat.gif

All the clubbers were fantastic grouphug.gif

The party atmosphere was amazing icon_yippee.gif

The CTW crew were brilliant (Hi to every1 i met) icon_smile_cool.gif

The friendliest security i have ever seen in a club thumbs.gif

The sound system, lighting and decor was spot on icon_smile_cool.gif

and of course the wildchild crew have to have a big round of applause for pullin off the best party of my life!! thumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gif

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