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The weekend - What Rocked It : Lost it

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rocked it:

Ian M and Andy Farley @ SSN (bangin sets guys thumbs.gif)

the doorman acceptin a bribe so i can stay in SSN bouncy.gif


lost it


radio 1 for cancelling heaton park (killjoys)

manchester city council (for allowing sed cancellation)

the fore-mentioned doorman @ SSN takin my supplies from me (double killjoy) cry.gif

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rocked it


everything in wildchild main room until after cosmic gate notworthy.gif

andy whitby ( even tho i aint into his music i can see the bloke has proper talent ) thumbs.gif



lost it


everything in the main room after cosmic gate thumbsdown.gif

the concrete ceiling above the bar downstairs (scary) paranoid.gif

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Rocket It:




-Sexy poses with Andreus! wink.gif haha!

-The sweets (real sweets)

-Piccies i got

-The birdage!

-People who looked out for me! Cheers guys & Gals!

-Whitbys set, BKs set etc

-SarahPVC and Princess_Tidy getting sum great crowd and DJ shots for me! spliff.gif



Lost It:


-I did, nearly, a couple of times!

-Not managing to stay in the after party as long as i liked, we know why boys & girls haha!




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Rocked it


Meeting so many lovely new people, and the old ones as well as those hardcore ones I know already grin.gif

Gettin a text out of the blue from possibly the cutest girl in the world (Nicole) saying she'd split up with her boyfriend icon_yippee.gif

Taking so many wicked pics


Lost it


Asking for a go on the decks at the after party, knockin a pint off the table into the top of someones record box, and then proceeding to do the shitest bit of mixing I've done for about 8 years icon_smile_blush.gif

falling asleep on the train and ending up halfway to Bognor confused.gif

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Evilhedfuk said:

Tara said:

Oh I almost forgot, one more thing that Rocked it was Elly's (Elsxbells) extreme case of dribbling in the pub after Wildchild when she passed out on the table! Photographic evidence of this to come! banghead.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif




That was some spectacle!!!!!


So was the two of you face down asleep on the bench!


Guy, Majikman hurry up with those pics!!! thumbs.gif


I will prepare them for tonight mate smile.gif

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majikman said:

Rocked it

Lost it


Asking for a go on the decks at the after party, knockin a pint off the table into the top of someones record box, and then proceeding to do the shitest bit of mixing I've done for about 8 years icon_smile_blush.gif


hehehe - that always happened when put on the spot

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Rocked it:

Seeing so many CTW'ers at Wildchild

Cosmic Gate

All the other trance in the main room

Who ever played hardhouse in the mainroom between 6-7

Finding the energy to dance to who ever played hardhouse in the mainroom between 6-7

Lucy the dancer

and of course Tara, but that goes without saying

the hardhouse friendly bouncer

The stormtrooper

Loads of other stuff that I can't remember


Lost it:

Missing the afterparty (had a better offer wink.gif)

Missing Guyster's set

Missing Whitby's set

Mr Moo drifting in and out of conssiencness (no I can't spell)

When hard house became nothing more than a kick drum at 170 bpm (but each to their own)

Not bringing my camera

Just cause I got car - doesn't make me a taxi service

Not getting to see Tara in a stormtrooper helmet

Seeing kev again ... you C**T laugh.gif

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colin66 said:

Rocked it:

Who ever played hardhouse in the mainroom between 6-7

Finding the energy to dance to who ever played hardhouse in the mainroom between 6-7


Andy Farey spliff.gif


Mr Moo drifting in and out of conssiencness (no I can't spell)
Lack of sleep angel.gif


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colin66 said:

Rocked it:

Who ever played hardhouse in the mainroom between 6-7

When hard house became nothing more than a kick drum at 170 bpm (but each to their own)


couldnt agree more spliff.gif

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making it through UV, twist farleytime and wild!

meeting Els, and majik, pepsi mr moo and some other CTW peeps for the first time on the train

one mindblowing euphoric set at wild

nothing going majorly wrong this time!



being so damn tired and not with it when i met the CTW crowd on the train and having to ask ppl to repeat stuff cos i couldn't hear a thing

missing Els in the pub apparently smile.gif (u were ok when i left!!)



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