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The weekend - What Rocked It : Lost it

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Rocked it: The main room at wildchild, really good until the end was too hard for me.

The after party and getting drunk at the pub with Dooby, Becky & Justin. Trying not to act too suspicous when walking past the middle aged men supping their pint of bitter and watching the dog racing on telly!! laugh.gif


Lost it: Falling asleep on the train, missing my stop and having to phone my mum at 2 in the morning to come & pick me up. confused.gif

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Dancing to PROPA trance most of the ngt at W'Child.

Seeing someone you know wherever you went smile.gif

Dancin like a rave bunny at the end wiv Eds mate bouncy.gif

Meetin Eds other mate Darren cuddle.gifwink.gif



Drinkin [censored] loads of malibu on monday and not gettin drunk but STILL wakin up wiv a hangover- not fair! grumpy.gif

Findin a pack of 20 malboro lgts was cool but smokin them plus 20 others wasnt *cough*

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  • CTW Members

Rocked it:



The Music

All the CTW worlders both newbies and peps I met b4, even seeing Creamy again was a pleasure

Dancing most the nite and hardly sitting down at all.


Lost it:


Major paranioa on the train after going out Friday nite

Being extremely tired and not having enough energy at the afterparty after Wildchild



Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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  • CTW Promotors
Guyster said:

colin66 said:

Lost it:

Missing Guyster's set




I saw it - I was even dancing madly to it! thumbs.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors
Guyster said:

SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:

colin66 said:

Lost it:

Missing Guyster's set




I saw it - I was even dancing madly to it! thumbs.gif


You MUST'VE been mullered.... wink.gif




Quite the opposite actually - was high on the atmosphere! bumshake.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW DJs
SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:

SarahPvc said:

Guyster said:

colin66 said:

Lost it:

Missing Guyster's set




I saw it - I was even dancing madly to it! thumbs.gif


You MUST'VE been mullered.... wink.gif




Quite the opposite actually - was high on the atmosphere! bumshake.gif


High praise indeed from a HH monkey luvu.gifinlove.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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  • CTW Members

Rocked It


The Coronet as a venue!

All the CTW peeps who came along!

All the Wildchild bunch 4 putting it on!

Amazing Trance!

Having the energy to Dance for 10 hours straight.

Cranberry Juice going down nicely!

That 5 minute lie down I had at the end (Mmmmmm bliss...)

Meeting Modular1 properly and talking about real music (trance) notworthy.gif

Funky Tunes at the after party.

Keeping up with my mate Gordana! bouncy.gif

Andy Whitby's set

Finding another pub.

Dribbling CTWers

Hippy on a string's blue tit down coat!

The possibility that I might be dancing at the next one icon_yippee.gif

Wanting to have that Stormtrooper outfit!

RickD playing with my nipples! shocked.gif

Walking to King's X pretending Pepsi was my bird so I didn't look like a loner wink.gif




Lost It


The ability to absorb excessive amounts of expensive alcohol without it having any effect.

Missing Guyster's set (Sorry frown.gif)

Not being able to put anything down my throat after 4am including water.

Cranberry Juice coming up not as nicely.

After party finishing early and being turfed out!

Being too hot.

Embarrassing sweat marks!

The sound system going down between Simon Patterson and JFK

Expensive travel.

Spending the £105 I got off Colin for the deposit on our holiday on alcohol disappointed.gif

Having to wait till August till the next one!

Looking very shiny and red in every picture

Kev's dissappearing!

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  • CTW Reviewers

Rocked it


Guyver's set at UV

Dancefloor at the Coronet

Finding a go-cart for sale that was made by a company called 'Ketcar'


Lost it


failing to stay off the breakfast cereal

having an argument with Jade cos of it

getting conjunctivitus in my right eye.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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