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My work colleague is talking about going to Sundissential

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It is our work Summer Ball in June, and it is being held in Brum, so I said "If I go, I'd be off to Sundis afterwards". Anyway, my work colleague has turned around and gone "Oooh, clubbing, I haven't been to sundissential, I think I'll come".


She is married, with a kid, and I think the hardest dance she has listened to is Westlife. And as for all the "extra-curricular activities" that go on. She says it wouldn't shock her, but I just don't know.


She now wants to know what to wear.


Should I take her along (bearing in mind that I am leaving a week later, I don't have to worry about embarrassing myself), but the idea of babysitting someone through the "harder" side of clubbing, is a bit daunting!

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Lend her a cd first and see wot she thinks...

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Tresh said:

Lend her a cd first and see wot she thinks...


That implies that I own some hard house, it is one thing to dance to it, but quite another to listen to it at home...actually, I have a Kernzy & Klemenza tape, and ClaireDC and Majikman CD's, so I will bring those in for her.


And now she is asking if my friends are "friendly", and her face lit up when I said they were about 19-20. I think her husband better watch out!!

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Blink said:

Tresh said:

Lend her a cd first and see wot she thinks...


That implies that I own some hard house, it is one thing to dance to it, but quite another to listen to it at home...actually, I have a Kernzy & Klemenza tape, and ClaireDC and Majikman CD's, so I will bring those in for her.


And now she is asking if my friends are "friendly", and her face lit up when I said they were about 19-20. I think her husband better watch out!!


hehehe - i bet shes a secret raving swinger laugh.gif

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i'm sure she will love it. I took my best mate to ss on satursay and she really hated hard house and anything hard houseyfied. Now she loves it and she had an ace time til about 4ish when she got tired. U never know ur mates at work might be the same!

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Think letting her listen to a CD is a good idea.... Let her know that she can get a cab back whenever she wants also...


I've got mates that we didn't think'd be into the hard house and trance who now have difficulty staying away... She might just shock ya!


Give her a go, if she doesn't like it but wants to stay out, just put her in a cab up to the Dome or something...!

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