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Two Irish Pig Farmers...

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There are these two Irish pig farmers, Paddy and Seamus.


They decide to buy themselves a pair of prize pigs, and keep them in the same field. Paddy spots a problem, though and says, "Hey Seamus, just on problem with keeping our pigs in the same field. How we gonna know which one of the pigs is mine and which one of the pigs is yours?"


Seamus thinks for a moment and replies, "Don't be frettin' Paddy. It's simple. I'll cut the left ear off of my pig, then you'll have the pig with two ears and I'll have the pig with one ear."


So they do this, and after about a week they check on the pigs... Paddy looks at them both and screams at Seamus, "Your bloody pigs gone and chewed the left ear off of my pig. Now how we gonna tell them apart?"


Seamus says, "Don't be frettin' Paddy. I'll cut the right ear off of one of the pigs, an then I'll have the pig with no ears and you'll have the pig with one ear."


They both agree, and do this. Another week or so passes, and they check on the pigs when Paddy looks at them both and screams, "Bejesus. I don't believe it. Your pig has only gone and chewed the right ear off of my pig, now what we gonna do?"


Seamus pauses for a minute or so and says, "Well, there's nothing else for it. You have the black pig and I'll have the pink one."



w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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