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I used to go cyber but now just wear funky clothes now, denim, belts funky tops etc but i guess its a case of gettin bored of cyber or growin out of it!! shrug.gif

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pocket raver said:

oi!!!!! im 1 of those people!! lol and yeah my face does look bit funny...but i do have a gun being pressed against my head, so i think u should let me off eviltongue.gifsmile.gif


no. sorry - no excuses. it wasn't even a real gun. nor did it even look real. pathetic. thumbsdown.gif

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pocket raver said:

oi!!!!! im 1 of those people!! lol and yeah my face does look bit funny...but i do have a gun being pressed against my head, so i think u should let me off eviltongue.gifsmile.gif



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The gormless look - as nick so kindly put it- is prob cos theyre all mashed up! and too right! I think they look fab, clubbing needs some colour like this for when your walking about mashed up and it gives the whole night an upper feelin i think- as if youd need that upper feeling already! Im goin to start goin cybery, sometimes ill go a bit cyber but not much but bring on them fluffy boots!- not them fuking stupid big socks(my opinion)

I wish it could be christmas everyday

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LanaM said:

The gormless look - as nick so kindly put it- is prob cos theyre all mashed up! and too right! I think they look fab, clubbing needs some colour like this for when your walking about mashed up and it gives the whole night an upper feelin i think- as if youd need that upper feeling already! Im goin to start goin cybery, sometimes ill go a bit cyber but not much but bring on them fluffy boots!- not them fuking stupid big socks(my opinion)



NOOOOOOOO - DON'T DO IT!!!! shame.gif

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LanaM said:

The gormless look - as nick so kindly put it- is prob cos theyre all mashed up! and too right! I think they look fab, clubbing needs some colour like this for when your walking about mashed up and it gives the whole night an upper feelin i think- as if youd need that upper feeling already! Im goin to start goin cybery, sometimes ill go a bit cyber but not much but bring on them fluffy boots!- not them fuking stupid big socks(my opinion)


HAHAHAHA WELL [censored] SAID!!!!!!


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y not? I love fluffy boots they are what u need some times to really set ur outfit off and id be proud to wear them! getting the whole hotpant alluminus thing goin on tho, but kinda moderated

I wish it could be christmas everyday

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It's about the music.

Wear what you wanna wear,

dance how you wanna dance...


You'll never see me cybered up tho..... flipa.gif

My new tune - Acid Test
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"Dont u think its about time you grew up?"
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So as i see it, the ppl you will see wearing the same outfits week in week out are the bandwagon jumpers, the ppl who followed the trend.

The ppl who are into it properly will always find a way to be original.


what are you on about!?!?! When i go clubbin i always wear the same outfit and im certainly not just 'following the trend'. Im as cyber as you come and ill always be a cyber. I cant afford to buy new stuff to make a new outfit with, so i definately cant afford to go and buy a brand new outfit from a shop. Also the outfit i do wear is 'original', you wont see another person wearing the same stuff ive got, well maybe except my tigger bag.

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Like i said mate, "its the way i see it" i didnt say thats the way it is. There will always be exceptions, but surely you can see what i meant. you will see the ppl who wear their same cyberdog t-shirt and trousers every week just so they can be "cyber". They should try and be original.

ppl can wear what they want at the end of the day, but i just think ppl shouldnt try and be something they are not. I dont see myself going out and putting loads of time and effort into being a cyber so i dont do it half heartedly just so i can be classed as a cyber.

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In some places cyber is still up and coming, in others where it's been well established and most assoicated with for a long time, Crasher as a prime example, it's being the minority once again.


I use to be one but it really just doesn't do anything for me anymore. Ultimately, in whatever you wear,if you're not willing to put the effort in, it's only you who suffers from looking [censored] and I couldn't be arsed with the effort and time you had to give to make yourself look good anymore, so knocked it on the head. Im not getting up on my high horse and jumping on the cyber is [censored] bandwagon, but don't think It's the dogs bollox either. It's something to treasure but everyone has their crazy fazes and that was probably 1 of mine.


Yet, if people feel it still does something for them, then fair play to them. But it's not new, you aint no better than anybody else and it's certainly no uniform for any club

"Shaun stop being so mint"

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Mitzie dancer said:

Ok, is cyber dying?


Lets hope so. I have my fingers firmly crossed. And lets face it, it will make clubs a hell of a lot better not seeing wankers in fluffy boots. Apart from the girls.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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