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*update* my brain

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hmmm - i'm not soo down, feeling less moody and genrally happy with life


still single and gagging 4 a shag tho but all things considered i'm feeling more stable


really cant work out y i've been sooo down this last couple of weeks - its been a cripaling depression and its come about 4 no reason (been doing less drugs l8ly than ever)


ne way - i'm gonna be (hopefully if i have the will power) giving up the naughties 4 a lil while - as wella s clubbing (takes more will power)


the lack of money is deffo a big factor in my depression - plus not hearing from me best m8s in a while hasnt helped either


which reminds me..... *off to write a pm*

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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awww big hugs....ive been well depressed lately 2..every morning i actually wake up having a kinda panick attack..which 2 b honest isnt very nice frown.gif but o well sure they will stop soon enough (i hope) lol....think im just panicking coz i dunno wot im gonna do wen i finish college in a few weeks..and got abit of trouble at home and that, but theres no need for me 2 tell u all bout that lol smile.gif anyway im sure life will pick up for us all soon enough grin.gif

ps.....yeah me being single and not having sex for ages fuking sux 2 lol

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A break will always do you the world of good hun.


Know what u mean about the willpower tho. I could never stop clubbin' if i tried to be honest!


All the best of luck tho - hope u manage to sort yrself out and KEEP YA CHIN UP !



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cheers heartbeat.gif



pocket - i'm sure things will pickup 4 u soon - if not u can always ring/text me and i'll be happy to chat if u need a good chat/cry etc (we did actually get round to swapping numbers didnt we?)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Funnily enough, this week has got me down too... hardly managing to get any work done this week, and being inches from getting the sack, plus having to find somewhere else to live be4 the end of the month. But if there is anything that's cheering me up, I've got a couple of days booked to go and see a cute girl that I met at SS North at the end of the month grin.gif

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dont worry what you need is positive thinkin and believe me it does work. If i told you what i have been thru in the last two years you probably wouldnt believe me coz it was that bad! But i have pulled thru and i am proud tp say that i have done it on my own(loadz of positive thinkin, loadz of tears and now loadz of happy thoughts) You have to have the bad things in life to really appreciate the good. I know that sounds like a cliche but that is what drove me to do what i am doin now, noone in my old town believed that i would be a podium dancer and promotor and i have proved them all wrong, but most of all i have prioved myself right!

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Hello pocket raver, i saw u at UV & WILDCHILD ur a wicked dancer, thats what i like to see a true clubber with stamina it looked like u were luvin it! wiggle.gif

Later ill be holding some auditions 4 wildchild it would be great if u could come along.

I hope things sort em selves out for u, stay positive! thumbs.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
Mr_Happy said:



still single and gagging 4 a shag tho but all things considered i'm feeling more stable



I find hard to believe. You come from Essex, surely you cant be that far from Romford, get yourself down there for a dirty. Down there it counts as any holes a goal.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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babyred said:

Hello pocket raver, i saw u at UV & WILDCHILD ur a wicked dancer, thats what i like to see a true clubber with stamina it looked like u were luvin it! wiggle.gif

Later ill be holding some auditions 4 wildchild it would be great if u could come along.

I hope things sort em selves out for u, stay positive! thumbs.gif


aww thats well nice!! hehe


as for going to auditions...im abit to shy and no where nr a good enough dancer for that kinda thing hehe! i just enjoy mysef wen im clubbin hehe cuddle.gif c ya 2moz nite probs!! xXx

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babyred said:

dont worry what you need is positive thinkin and believe me it does work. If i told you what i have been thru in the last two years you probably wouldnt believe me coz it was that bad! But i have pulled thru and i am proud tp say that i have done it on my own(loadz of positive thinkin, loadz of tears and now loadz of happy thoughts) You have to have the bad things in life to really appreciate the good. I know that sounds like a cliche but that is what drove me to do what i am doin now, noone in my old town believed that i would be a podium dancer and promotor and i have proved them all wrong, but most of all i have prioved myself right!


2b honnest i'm not usually 1 that lets things get him down. but as i have a nasty habbit of bottleing things up its all come to a head l8ly

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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CreamyC said:

Its understandable, you're from Essex.


i cant c how my geographical location makes a blind bit of difference to how my brain operates


mind u having said, only sum1 from essex like urself would be stupid enuf to say sumthin like that wink.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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