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*ANDY WHITBY's Weekend review!*

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wavey.gif Good morning everyone! grouphug.gif


Hope everyone had a wicked weekend, and you've all managed to climb out of your stinking pits to go to work! sleepy.gif


Just thought i'd start a little topic so everyone can share what they got up this weekend in a kinda day-by-day basis, CTW is bloody huge so i'd like to know wher eyou've been shaking your thang this weekend...


here's mine: smile.gif


Thursday: I always like to have a bit of a weekend warmup so seeing as it was Curry night@Spoons (Curry & a pint, under a fiver..bargin!) i trecked down there and met up with a group of my mates, during which i started to recive drunken texts from our very own Mr.Moo laugh.gif he's a crazy one that chap! icon_yippee.gif


Friday: First friday i've had off from djing in quite a while so i decided to have a bit of a practice (very important!), relax and get drunk @ my mate lozi's house, everyone came round and we partied til the wee-hours of the morning. beerchug.gif


Saturday: Went shopping @ the trafford centre during the day, bout some bits & bobs, includinag another pair of Nike Rifts, cause there ace and look like pig's feet! laugh.gif

Then it was off home to prepare for ESCAPE smash.gif

Had a wicked night, was planning to play an entire set of CDRs but when one of my c.d decks started playing up i got deep & dirty with the vinyl, including a scratchfest over the last two records, finished with 'Hostile' in hard-raving memorie if Maria! thumbs.gif Top stuff Asa, top night! beerchug.gif


Sunday: Stayed in bed, practiced some stuff on my decks, smoked alot, back to bed. sleepy.gif


and thats it, 2day i'm back in the studio with the incredibly talented Sam Green to make our follow-up to 'Do u care?' will keep you posted on how that goes.


so, what did u guys get up to? wiggle.gif

Bookings contact Lisa @ Nukleuz on 02077207320


  • 5th @ Ingo's Studio
  • 13th @ Serge's Studio (Fevah)
  • 20th @ Frantic Vs. Wildchild, London
  • 24th @ Sessions, Leeds
  • 26th @ Incision, Leeds
  • 27th @ Addiction, Manc
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Fri night round at friends watching all the episodes of Jackass & Dirty Sanchez

Sat - major shopping expedition in Leeds!

Sat Night - HousewivesChoice then Glasshouse

Sun am - after Party

Sun night - Khemistry @ Space - Karim & El Captino played as hard as what it gets!

Mon am - tired & deaf!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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fri: went to cinema to see phone booth

sat: round @ mates house, failed to have a bbq cos it pissed it down, got pissed

sun: wandered around house in the earlies cos couldn't sleep, wandered round to the petrol station, chatted for half an hour to the random serving bloke. went home, went to bed, got woke up by a phone call from me sister telling me i had forgotten me dads b'day on sat. arse. went shopping wiv dad n sister then was forced to sit through a family meal- cruel and unusual!!!

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. ~ There has not been any great talent without an element of madnesshttp://www.lucasforums.com/images/smilies/monkeydance.gif



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Thursday: Toast's midweek seession closing party with Alex Kidd, Chritain Classe, Andy Dickinson and Morgan. Quality night. Lesson learnt: Herbals keep me awake better than speed. Result: Fookin knackered for the rest of the weekend.


Friday: Going out for a quiet drink ends up in getting bladdered and ending up a t lock in until 3am.


Saturday: Up early in time to rush down to Brum to play BPM radio, stress lots, stress more, shout at Alex Kidd cos he's a lazy forgetfull bar steward, head back to the hotel with the intention of going to Sundissential for 3hrs of Mr Glazby but end up powdering noses and indulging in sex, porn and more powder. smile.gif


Sunday: Home to see the folks with just 9 hrs sleep since friday, to say I was half dead is an understatement, just about coped then and pissed off out for drinks with mates before a five hour train journey back to Preston, and then bed in time for getting up early to get on with Uni revision today. Ag.



"I wanna be a mother fucking hustler!"


DJing: 21/01/03 @ Pure Filth, Manchester, 14th February 2004 @ Toast Manchester

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Zen_Master said:

fri: went to cinema to see phone booth

sat: round @ mates house, failed to have a bbq cos it pissed it down, got pissed

sun: wandered around house in the earlies cos couldn't sleep, wandered round to the petrol station, chatted for half an hour to the random serving bloke. went home, went to bed, got woke up by a phone call from me sister telling me i had forgotten me dads b'day on sat. arse. went shopping wiv dad n sister then was forced to sit through a family meal- cruel and unusual!!!


You should have come to Housewives instead!!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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