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advice needed about getting my hair cut.....

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i have never really been that bothered about my hair style.


usually i have that got out of bed messy look.


but this time i'm thinking of growing it a bit longer than usual, then going to a salon and getting them to cut and style it and advise me a bit.


what sort of money is that likely to cost? and do you think its worth doing?



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I usually go to the Regis Salons for styling. Costs about £45 for a wash, cut and style (no blow though unfortuantely [Wink] )


They do a really decent job. Alternatively Toni and Guy are around the same price (maybe a bit dearer in some cases) and they are really cool too. I wudnt bother growin it longer though. Just get urself to them and tell them to do what the hell they want to with it. Its worth the risk

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Go to Toni & Guy mate, they are mint.. its where I go and last time I was there I had 4 birds workin on me, took 2.5 hours but I got 5 head massages while I was there... LUSH! [Wink]

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for £45 you could get full sex and a blow job down the docks.


my tip would be to get a mullet. in fact go to tony & guys and ask for a mullet and see what they say.


where's the barber with the parrot that talks? that sounds a lot better. i'm too busy to spend 2 1/2 hours listening to conversations about:


* where are you going on holiday?

* did you have a good time on holiday?

* "and then my boyfriend said..."

* are you going out tonight?

* are you going/did you see the match?


at one time i was considering becoming a hair dresser, i'm so glad i didn't now. i couldn't have coped with having the same conversation 20 times a day. i admire them for having this ability, i'm sure that one of the modules they have to study at college is "how to have the same conversation with 10 different people and always sound like you give a [censored] about what they're saying".









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Originally posted by stryker:

where's the barber with the parrot that talks? that sounds a lot better. i'm too busy to spend 2 1/2 hours listening to conversations about:


* where are you going on holiday?

* did you have a good time on holiday?

* "and then my boyfriend said..."

* are you going out tonight?

* are you going/did you see the match?


at one time i was considering becoming a hair dresser, i'm so glad i didn't now. i couldn't have coped with having the same conversation 20 times a day. i admire them for having this ability, i'm sure that one of the modules they have to study at college is "how to have the same conversation with 10 different people and always sound like you give a [censored] about what they're saying".



i think any prospective employer must sit the hair dresser down and make them talk horseshit for 8 hours, and at the end of it, if the employer hasn't throttled them, they have the job. no matter what their hair cutting skills are like.



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If you want it cheap then get a student cut done. They cost a fiver at Toni and Guy, and are free at Trevor Sorbie in covent garden. The student does your hair, and it may take longer, but theyre properly supervised and their teachers will fix it if u dont like it so no stress.

How about a short back and sides, with the tips highlighted and spiked?

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Originally posted by pinkprincess:

If you want it cheap then get a student cut done. They cost a fiver at Toni and Guy, and are free at Trevor Sorbie in covent garden. The student does your hair, and it may take longer, but theyre properly supervised and their teachers will fix it if u dont like it so no stress.

How about a short back and sides, with the tips highlighted and spiked?

spikes and stuff - thats the sort of thing i was thinking about.


not sure i like the idea of a student cutting my hair. all students do is drink larger, so knowing my luck i'll go in the morning after the students been on a 50p a pint bender, and I'll walk out looking like boy george.



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I personally love having my haircut by the students - think everyone needs to learn - why not let it be my head they start on .... how do you think all the big names started?? Now, i just get my mate Lisa to do it - she's free [Well Happy]

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Nah, don't worry, they're really good. I've had mine donw by them, and I stress so much about my hair, it's my favourite feature!

Usually they do it in the evenings anyway.

Spikes are cool. and if you have it long enough u can twist them and put UV beads in when you go out clubbing!

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y do you need it re-styling for spikes and stuff....wont a little wax do the job? if ur wanting it spiked all they will do is cut it shorter and stick sum wax in ur hair...once u wash it its out so all that money for what u cud pay for a normal cut? and sum decent wax(£7)!!


[ 21 August 2002, 15:42: Message edited by: j1983m ]

dreaming of paradise

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Originally posted by pinkprincess:

If you want it cheap then get a student cut done. They cost a fiver at Toni and Guy, and are free at Trevor Sorbie in covent garden. The student does your hair, and it may take longer, but theyre properly supervised and their teachers will fix it if u dont like it so no stress.

How about a short back and sides, with the tips highlighted and spiked?

sounds like my hair!!! [paranoid]

dreaming of paradise

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