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do i winge???


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well if i do then the whole [censored] lot of you can shove it!




1) i might be james girlfriend, but can you all stop treating me like it!!!! i am a PERSON! sophie billington from st albans! NOT SOME BLOKES BIRD! so if you dont mind, next time i post an issue in the relationships bit, or anywhere else, can you all treat me like a person, and not like some wingy old ratty bag!


2) everyone else seams to get alot of comments when theres a serious post, when i post something, i get comments like "shut up" "keep personal isseues off the board"- well if you ask me, if personal isseus should be kept of the board, then perhaps we shouldent have

A) a relationships forum

B)seriouse topics and debate bit


c)a smutt forum,


i dont mean to state the obviouse, but there all [censored] personal!!!




i am getting fed up with the large amounts of [censored] piss taking i have to bloody put up with! knowone else gets it so why give it to me! if you dont like what i [censored] post then dont bloody read it! SIMPLE AS! i dont appreciate stupid bloody comments in return to my posts! can you please just keep them to yourself!




which means i wont have the internet! DOES EVERYONE THINK I AM JOKING WHEN I SAY I WONT BE ON THE INTERNET!!! cos i hate to say something, BUT IM NOT!


i, yes sophie billington, is moving to london, my new house is in holloway road, and i dont HAVE A [censored] PHONE LINE! which means i WONT have the INTERNET!!! believe it or not!!!!

so unless so little fairy is gonna come in and install a phone for me over night i wont be online! which means i wont be posting! not on clubtheworld, not on harderfaster, not on any [censored] message board! so whether you take me serious or not I WILL NOT BE HERE AFTER THE 5TH OF SEPTEMBER!!!!


can everyone just give me a little [censored] respect! i am pissed off with all of you treating me like some pissing five year old! and that encludes james!! (believe it or not!)


i ahve to say there are about small number of you who do give me respect and i thank those of you who do!


as for the rest of you, can you put yourself in my shoes and see where i am coming from!? because i have HAD ENOUGH OF IT!




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Welcome to the follow-up of "Do You Like Me?" and Whats wrong with me?" comes the third installment carefully constructed by Message Board Entertainment Ltd!


Sophie, you are James's girlfriend, [censored], barring any newbie joining this site after today I think you've made that point known more than one occasion! But wait, was it the return from Ibiza that cleared your head, made you see and wanted to see more of life? In the process of slagging of James to ALL BOARD MEMBERS? Is that REALLY FAIR? You whinge and moan about not being taken seriously, how can we for [censored] sake when one minute you're leaving the board, then you're not, you are James g/f, then you're not, I mean we hear it so many times it gets boring so to be honest I think you should expect the piss to be taken out of you and if you dont like it then dont continuously post the same [censored]!


No1 - You may get told to shut up about relationship issues because you tell us untold amounts of times, others dont because they post once and thats it!


No2 - You say we shouldn't have a relationship issues forum, that I do agree but if you reckon that why post on it? The same goes for smut? Its a bit of a contradiction!


No3 - We all get the piss taken out of us, take it and laugh it off, dont get all personal about it and then slagging others off, I get my fair share of abuse and deseverdly so but I dont go putting posts up saying "Do you like me?"


No4 - If you've had enough of it, a) why post? B) why keep saying you're leaving? c) why keep going on slagging a certain member off because you have had a row PERSONALLY!


See you on the 6th September!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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all i can say is ..... i guess i know who my friends are!!


sorry but no one on this board except one person knows much about me and the way i feel. and that person ISENT james.


im not a stong person i am weak, and if you all have something to say about me then i would rather you just kept it to yourself, cos i dont perticually wanna hear your nasty remarks.


clearly everyone seams to have issues with me, so pehaps next time we all go out you shouldent all just be nice to me for the sake of it.


this might be my boyfriends board, but he has nothing to do really with my life and the way i feel about issues. when i was at school i was bullied, secondary school i was bullied then lost my best mate, then i met james, the only person i put all my trust in, and now im loosing him aswell all down to some stupid message board. so before you going saying anything about me slagging him off, then perhaps you should ask him about the past 2 years. the timelees amounts of time i spent weekends doing his washing and ironing and did i get any thanks, NO! all i got was a kick in the mouth, and got it all chucked back at me. perhaps you should ask him about the things i have done and then you would realise.


creamy- i think you should stop being so bloody sarcastic and too faced, as new/and existing memebers dont find it welcoming.


oh and no you wont see me on the 6th! there is a small thing called university! and im gonna be bigger and better then the whole lot of you! watch this space..........


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Hi Soph! Ive just logged on from home after a very long and stressful weekend! I understand where you are coming from (even if i am the only one!).

I think you seem like a really nice person and should be able to post for advice etc.

I think that people such as creamy, know that you bite back easily, and so they take adventage of this. Same with me!

If you evern want to chat then i am here! I mean this cos i can relate to you with various things, like the whole bullying thing. If you want to chat then just send us a mail or give us a call! and just ignore the people who r pissing you off, they a rent worth it hunny. x

clubber with a passion

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Soph you know I'm your friend but thats why this has to be said, I don't think you need to be getting hurt anymore. You've obviously been through a lot and I know you're not the strongest person in the world but let me explain what gets to me:


You and James get back together, he hurts you, you break up. This happens AGAIN AND AGAIN and you let it! you need to sort it out once and for all, its either all or nothing in a relationship.

You said Ibiza helped you clear your head but once again, you went Back to him. I know you're not strong but its silly letting someone walk all over you.

As for doing his washing and ironing, if Jon asked me to do that I'd tell him where to stick it! And if he didn't ask you to do it, then you were obviously doing it for the wrong reasons, quote "and did I get any thanks, NO!" You shouldn't feel you have to try to please him like this, thats a one sided relationship which would never [censored].

I am only telling you this coz I love you guys to bits and its sad to see you both getting hurt like this. You need to sort it out PROPERLY this time.

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Let me say one thing! I cannot stand all this "do you love me" crap, it makes me sick, its attention seeking and thats exactly what Miss Van Dyke is! So I'm two-faced am I? Think not, someone who is two-faced would go behind your back and slag you off but then would say how much they love you on the forum! Thats two-faced and I dont believe I do that! People know where they stand with me, they may not agree with what I say but where are the other few that also think the same as me?


Ask yourself that!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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I think I can see everyones point on this post and I dont think its really going to get resolved because Soph is a bit overwhelmed with packing for Uni and leaving the house she's lived in all her life, she's going into the 'unknown' and although we all know its going to be the best thing for her she doesnt know that just yet. I think we should leave this post now as we all like each other really. Soph is also worried that she's 'losing friends' and lives in the past like I do remembering when we all originally met - I think she just wants it back to being like that but at the same time I agree with you Kev/Tara/most others that we really dont want to keep dragging this stuff up on the board - cc'ing the world - thats what PMs are for.


As you know I used to post all kinds of sh*te when I was in 'comedown mode' after the weekend and then wanted to 'take back' comments when I was feeling happy about life again - unfortunately you cant do this - especially to members you havent even met yet - they will read you as you write.


On the same token people can post what the hell they like as we all do anyway - best thing to do is ignore the post - but I know what its like when you get that feeling 'I just HAVE to reply' - I think thats what makes message boards addictive - you can say what you really feel and be yourself.

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Although I am a bit of a newbie to this site (about a month), I would just like to wish you luck when you start Uni. I guess you are going to UCL or North London if you are living on the Holloway road. I have lived there too. I know where you are coming from, but once you get the first week over with a met 100 new friends in the first week (this will wittle down over your time when you find out the sound peps) you will forget about any stresses you might have had. All the best.






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Soph, you really need to chill out !


Don't know what has got into your head or what is bugging you, but you go on about if people like you or not all the time, and then you write posts like that !


I for one do not appreciate being told that you will be bigger and better than the lot of you - what the [censored] is that all about ???


Sort your head out and sort your ego out.


I really am sick and tired of hearing all this [censored], it is old news, maybe you should go and seek some professional advice about your problems and how you handle them.


Apologies if this seems harsh, but I am sure that as you are bigger and better than everybody else, you can handle it.


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