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Nation last Sunday (5/5/2002)

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Does anyone have any more info on what happend last Sunday ? I'm hearing there was some trouble ?



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hiya james apparantly a guy was stabbed and anoter guy found who had been bottled in the main event nothing to do with the proceedings in the courtyrd from what local news has been saying the main event is basically a club night thts full of clubbers who go the 051 in l'pool sad on creams reputation though




*drugs, rock n roll, bad a$$, vegas ho's, late night, bootie calls..... SHINY DISCO BALLS*

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On my last journey to Liverpool, I was given a lot of bad reports about 051 however, when I returned, someone here told me that 051 was a neat place to visit.


Sounds like 051 seems to be a dodgy place!



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not to sure what went on...when we were leaving at about 2:15 there were coppers all over the carpark....ive never seen this before and all i can put it down to is the wanker beerboy/coke head scallies from the mainevent...why are cream hosting to such a bunch of tits???....im so infuriated....cream is one the countries largest safehouses for clubbers to relax in a safe environment and do what makes them feel happy...the only reason these clubs are allowed to exist is because 3000 clubbers on the street at 4am sunday morning does not cause trouble!!.....just 30 beerboys can cause riots.....this really has to stop before we are all labelled the same and head down the road of moral panic...then there will be no clubs for us.....just meatheads and their bitches in their scummy little clubs...


save clubland....rid it of these horrible people...we need clubbing [Cop] ...


keep clubland [Hearts][LoveFace][Hearts][shhh]

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garlandsboi agrees with little miss sunshine rid liverpool of meatheads yey [Cop]


*drugs, rock n roll, bad a$$, vegas ho's, late night, bootie calls..... SHINY DISCO BALLS*

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