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CreamyC / Kev - Update

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Hello everyone,


Just got hold of the site address to give an update on whats happened to CreamyC or Kev as some of may or may not know him! Unfortunately Kev did become quite ill over the weekend which resulted in him collapsing on Monday, he was taken and checked out and as yet nothing has been confirmed as in to what is exactly wrong with him! He is still quite ill at the moment but has been told to completely rest until the results are known, he is at home though and seems to be improving! I have spoken to him and he did ask me to come on here just to let everyone know in case any of you were wondering! He has also said that the trip is HIGHLY recommended and I totally agree 100%! Hopefully he will be back soon on here but has been told not to go out for at least 4 weeks which he seems to be okay with - for now.


On a positive note, although I am a garage junkie myself (please dont hurt me coz he hates me for it [Confused] ) I have to say what a great site this is, Kev has been going on about it for some time but I've never got round to having a look myself, so to everyone - especially I believe, James who set it up??? well done and keep up the good work, its excellent what you're doing, although I dont really go for this kind of music I would like to make some contributions in some way to helping you people out if thats okay with you!


In the meantime I will try and keep you all updated on his situation until he returns although at the moment no one knows when that will be! Also, any arrangements he has made with anyone in regards to going out he will not be able to attend, which he apologises for, at the moment he cant rememeber where or when he was going! In the meantime he hopes everyone has a great few weeks partying until he can resume normal duties!


Thanks everyone!


ps. Apologies James, I had to register to post, I didn't want to waste a new member! [Confused]



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MANY MANY thanks for that update buddy!


The registration is my fault - I've forced it on cause the traffic was getting high!


Thanks again - please note the site wont ALL be about trance/house as we will be organising trips but I confess it is mainly a trance/house crowd.



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Cheers Jay.


Well cool that you came on to explain the mystery surrounding Creamy!!! We were all getting worried!

Glad you like the site but maybe you could make it your goal to atract people with your interests in music ie garage.

Just a thought!


Thanks again chief! [Well Happy]

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looks like glasgow is off maybe [Crying]


I AM coming down soon though, just you wait! [smoke]


I hope Creamy gets better, he will be pleased to see how much he has been missed. [Wavey]

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Get well soon Creamy!



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Dear oh Dear. Creamy must have had a bloody good time in the Dam then!!

Kev get well soon mate. Your a top geezer and dodnt seserve to be bed ridden. Take care matey and keep it real

DJ Freano


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F*ck it - apologies to Sig about Glasgow as well I know Kev was bang up. I will deffo be coming when Kev comes though.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Just an update for you guys, Kev has had to go back to the hospital for further checks as he is still very ill, I have not been able to speak to him but this is the latest info I have at the moment! Hopefully I'll have some better news for you next week and hopefully I'll get to speak to him!




Have a good weekend.


Jay [Confused]

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